After the heat stroke, there are four taboos in the summer and the weather is hot. Especially after entering the summer, the air humidity is obviously increased, the air circulation is poor, and the weather becomes even more boring and abnormal. People who work outdoors often are prone to heat stroke. In addition to timely treatment after heatstroke, there are also four taboos in the diet that need attention.

First, avoid drinking lots of water. People with heat stroke should take small, multiple drinking methods, preferably not exceeding 300 ml each time. Avoid booze. Because, a lot of drinking water will not only dilute the gastric juice, thereby affecting the digestive function, but also cause reflection sweating. As a result, a large amount of water and salt are lost in the body, and severe cases can promote enthusiasm.

Second, avoid eating large amounts of cold fruits. Most people suffering from heatstroke are weak in the spleen and stomach. If they eat a lot of cold fruits and cold foods, they will damage the spleen and stomach yang, make the spleen and stomach move weak, cold and damp within the stagnation, severe cases will have diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

Third, avoid eating large amounts of greasy food. After the heat stroke, you should eat less greasy food to suit the summer's gastrointestinal digestive function. If you eat a lot of greasy food will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal, so that a large number of blood retention in the gastrointestinal tract, the blood delivered to the brain is relatively reduced, the body will feel tired and aggravate, more likely to cause indigestion.

Fourth, avoid simple tonic. After a person has suffered a heat stroke, his summer heat hasn't disappeared. Although he has complications, he cannot simply supplement himself. If you think that you are in need of supplements, you are wrong. If the tonic is too early, then the heat will not fade easily, or if the heat that has already faded will come back again, then it will not be worth it.

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