Fruits are rich in nutrition and good in taste. They are one of the essential foods for babies to grow healthily. However, what they eat and how they eat are all exquisite.

About 4 months should gradually add complementary food, juice or puree. "Before this, the main source of nutrition needed by the baby is breast milk, and at this time, breast milk is not enough to provide enough nutrients." Luo Yongjian, Nutrition Department of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, said in an interview with the reporter of Life Times that in order to ensure The baby's Nutritional needs, in addition to adding supplementary food, at this time can give the baby to drink some different flavors of juice. The puree recommends the use of apples and pears. The two fruits are relatively mild and do not easily harm the baby's stomach. The juice is preferably freshly squeezed and diluted and can be consumed between two meals of milk.

After 5 months, eat some Fruit puree. Apples, pears, kiwis, cantaloupes, watermelons, and other fruits are all good choices, but don't eat too much at one time. It's better to use half a spoonful. When choosing fruits for your baby, you should also pay attention to your physical condition and physical condition. The baby with weak spleen and stomach and easy diarrhea should preferably eat less cold fruits such as watermelon and bananas. The baby with thick tongue, constipation, and constitutional heat can eat some pears, kiwifruit and other fruits; the indigestion should eat ripe fruit puree.

After 9 months, you can eat some fruit pieces. After your baby has teeth, you can eat some fruit pieces, so that you can exercise their chewing ability, but not too much to avoid blocking the trachea when swallowing. Wait until the child's gums are strong enough to rest assured that they will eat fruit.

In addition, parents need to pay attention to the following issues.

Before and after half-year-old, when the season alternates, it is best not to give the baby eat raw fruit. Children around the age of half love sick, especially boys. When the seasons alternate, the incidence of intestinal diseases is very high. At this time, the number of times a child should eat fruit should be reduced, especially raw fruit.

Tropical fruits such as mangoes and pineapples are prone to allergies and should not be consumed by young children. "For example, mangoes eat more, and children are prone to grow eczema." Luo Yongjian said that these fruits can be boiled into water and fed to the baby to reduce the risk of allergies.

Grasp the principle of a small amount of addition and careful observation. Because each baby's gastrointestinal function development and personal constitution is different, so it is suitable to eat what fruit, how much to eat, it is not good to define. This requires parents to decide according to the specific circumstances. You can give the baby a little less, observe whether it has diarrhea, allergies and other adverse reactions before deciding whether or not to feed.

Soybean,also called soya Bean, is one of the important food crops in China, has five thousand years of cultivation history.  It`s commonly used to do all kinds of bean products, to extract soybean oil, brewing soy sauce and extraction of proteins. Bean dregs or soybean powders are also frequently used in livestock feed. Among 100 grams of soy are protein 36.3 grams, 18.4 grams fat, 25.3 g sugar, 412 kilocalorie quantity of heat, calcium, phosphorus 571 mg, 367 mg iron 11 mg, 0.79 mg 0.4 mg carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 0.25 mg, 2.1 mg niacin. Soy contains many kinds of the human body necessities such as amino acid, unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, microelement, vitamin and high quality protein, is very helpful food for  the liver, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and other cardiovascular.


Healthy Nutritious Self-planted Dried Soybean

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