Editor's note: Recently, the newspaper received a number of vegetable farmers in Xianxian, Guangping and Julu counties to inquire. They said that the tomato leaves they planted were shriveled, yellowed and stiff, and the plants were dwarfed. The symptoms were very similar to viral diseases. Can spray a variety of agents to cure viral disease is not working. This issue of the special issue was published by the researcher of the Plant Protection Institute of Hebei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and the reader asked questions.

Recently, the author conducted field diagnosis of tomato growth malformations in the summer and autumn crops. After detailed investigation of symptoms and analysis of the overall situation in the field, the authors concluded that the dwarfing and dry planting of the leaves, needles, and palmate malformations of suspected tomato virus disease symptoms Tea leaves are harmful.

How to distinguish the hazards of tea aphid and virus disease?

Due to the extremely small body size of Ophiogonidae, its parasites are routinely observed with the naked eye and are difficult to see and identify. The pupa and juveniles mainly sucked up the mesophyll cell nutrition of young leaves of tomato, resulting in the normal growth and elongation of leaf mesophyll cells. Only the leaf veins were elongated due to normal nutrient transmission, resulting in narrow and slender leaves, and the leaves were stiff and upright. Shrinking and distorting symptoms are very likely to be the symptoms of viral disease in the form of linear virus disease. Astragalus membranaceus harms single symptoms, and baldness is an important feature of tea aphid damage. From mid-June to August, during the peak period of damage, tomato robberies and wheat stubbles planted tomatoes, just to meet the convergence of the surviving food chain during the peak period of the tea plant. In addition, wheat stubble planting greenhouses are generally new varieties of vegetables, there is no planting experience, weeds are not cleared around the wheat fields and wheat fields, so that the tea plants from the weeds directly spread to the tomato seedlings after planting on the damage. In the spring and summer vegetable fields, there are not too many weeds and greenhouses to protect vegetables from spring sheds, resulting in a relatively small number of insect populations and therefore less damage.

Although the symptoms of tomato virus disease also have leaf deformities and dwarf plant symptoms, no matter how deformed and shrinking, there will still be growth points. In addition, the symptoms of viral diseases are diverse. Symptoms of mottled mosaics are observed in needle-shaped leaves and lightly symptomatic leaves. The main symptoms are slow growth or stagnation, internode shortening, apparent dwarfing, and upper stems. Thicker, more branched, smaller and thicker leaves, harder and harder leaves, wrinkled leaves, upward curling, yellowing of growth points, broad band yellowing of leaf margins, thick branches and branches, stem longitudinal brown Changed to dry and necrotic, new stems clustered.

The following measures should be taken to remedy the damage caused by the tea plant.

1. Eradicate weeds in and around the shed and add a 30-mesh insect screen to the tuyere.

2. In time, pruning and squatting, head replacement treatment for plants with serious damage, and early reconstructing. Remove needles, leaves, and clear or burn out of the shed.

3. As early as possible sprayed 1.8% abamectin 4000 times, 10 times a day.

4. Use 3.4% bisphenol 5000 times solution or brassin 800 times solution plus poly-boron to promote plant growth and spike differentiation. Give 1 big fertilizer water to promote rapid growth.

5. After the tomato enters the flowering stage, pay attention to the control of fungal diseases. Timely spraying of Amistar 1500 times solution or Ami Miao received 1000 times solution to prevent fall-prone leaf mildew and leaf spot disease.

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