Since March, the cold and warm air in our province have been alternating frequently and have encountered continuous “cold weather”. At this time, when the yellow and blue sheep are not connected, the sheep have consumed a lot of nutrients through the winter hay period. The body is thin, and the disease resistance is poor. In particular, the herding is mainly based on grazing. The management means are backward, the breeding methods are extensive, and the ewe often occurs. Abortion and dead sheep phenomenon. As the saying goes, “The sheep of March is against the wall,” and the early spring season is the most critical period for the sheep. Paying attention to the spring management of herds, supplementing enough fodder and fodder, and doing a good job of prevention of herds in the spring are of utmost importance. The following points should be made:

First, pay attention to keeping warm

The weather in the spring is uncertain, the nighttime temperature is still very low, and the sheep only have a small amount of activity in the evening. Especially in the early spring, we must do a good job of preventing the cold of the sheep and try to raise the temperature of the sheephouse. The sheep house still needs to cover the doors and windows at night, and disinfect the sheep house with as little disinfectant as possible to keep the sheep house dry and avoid moisture. The sheep's droppings in the house have a good warming effect and should not be removed in bad weather. For the first time, the lambs should be increased and the grass should be increased. The sheep should only add a small amount of drinking water. It is best to add warm water. After the sheep drink enough water during the day, the remaining water should be drained to prevent pregnant ewes and lambs from drinking ice water. Ill get sick or even miscarry.

Second, reasonable grazing rearing

The early spring season is an important period for lambs and lactation of ewes. Whether or not grazing is handled properly has a direct impact on production throughout the year. In early spring, the pasture grass is brown and lacks a juicy feed, which has a low nutritional value. At this time, it is difficult to meet the nutritional needs of the sheep by relying solely on grazing. The main task of grazing at this time is to strengthen the exercise and restore the sensation.

When grazing, shelters should be chosen for sun protection, high dryness, and low sun sinks with good water sources. In the spring when the wind is high, the sheep are only thin and weak, and the top wind should be adopted for animal husbandry, and the grazing method should be adopted to minimize the distance of grazing and prevent physical exertion. Take care to catch grazing in sunny days at noon. Do not grazing overdose of grass at one time while grazing. Do not let goats eat frozen grass and drink ice water. Before hatching, the sheep are fed with half-full hay. After 15 to 20 days, the gastrointestinal function of the sheep is adapted to the digestive characteristics of the grass and then transferred to the whole day for grazing. When the animal is grazing all day, it should also be before the animal husbandry. Appropriate feeds. The order of feeding the sheep is generally as follows: drink water first, then feed the grass, wait for the sheep to eat 5 to 60% full, feed the mixed concentrate, and then feed the sheep to drink light salt water, and wait for the sheep to rest for 15 to 20 minutes. Animal husbandry. This will not only prevent the sheep from falling off due to "running green", but will also prevent the sheep from eating excessive amounts of tender grass causing flatulence or poisoning, resulting in the death of the sheep.

Third, careful feeding and management

The spring weather is cold, the grass is brown, the body energy consumption increases, the bred sheep enter the thin period, the demand for nutrients increases, and slight negligence in feeding and management will cause a large number of deaths. First of all, we must catch the spring and enhance the sheep's resistance. After the sheep are grazing, they should also be fed a certain amount of weeds and feeds, and meet the supply of drinking water for the sheep to eat and drink enough. Every day, each sheep feeds a concentrate of 20-30 grams of salt and 200-250 grams of barley, corn, fava beans, soybeans, and other crushed mixes.

The rams are in the non-matching period at this time, and they must strengthen rearing, strengthen exercise, and reasonably grazing to lay the foundation for the breeding period. It is required to maintain a medium and high level of lyricism, a strong physique, plenty of energy, and a strong semen quality to ensure and increase the utilization of the breeding sheep.

The ewes are in lactation and must ensure that there is sufficient milk for the lambs. The amount of milk 20 to 30 hours after the ewes are the key to the survival of lambs in early spring. In order to increase the broiler's milking power, the ewes should be fed with sufficient quality green hay, succulent feed and concentrate feed, and pay attention to the supply of minerals and trace elements. Nursing ewes in the management should pay attention to the following points: 1 to ensure that the pens are warm, clean and dry, timely cleaning rotten grass, excrement, stones, etc., in order to avoid lambs feeding and cause disease. 2 Check the ewe's breast regularly to see if there is a partial or partial bite to prevent mastitis. 3 Attention should be paid to reducing the amount of ewes before and after weaning, in particular, to reduce the fine feed and juicy feed.

The management of the lamb must be especially meticulous and focus on the following aspects:

1 Lambs should pay attention to insulation. Keep the temperature of the litter room at 8°C to 10°C, and the temperature of the lamb house above 8°C. Eat colostrum. Within 1 to 3 days after the lamb is born, the lamb must be given colostrum. Colostrum plays a special and important role in the growth and health of lambs. After the lamb has been eaten for 3 days, it is fed to the weaning stage until the weaning. It is necessary to take care of the lambs to eat their breastmilk, and to request uniform breastfeeding for a single lamb and more lambs, and to prevent the stronger from eating more, and the weak to eat less. After the lamb is 10 to 15 days old, it begins to give some soft, high-quality hay and leaves. The grass can also be tied into small bundles and hung on a shelf that can be eaten by lambs at high places for lambs to feed at any time. In order to allow the lambs to eat as soon as possible, cornmeal and bean noodles may be mixed with boiled porridge or stirred in water for the lambs to eat. The fried condiments may also be served in pots so that the lambs smell the incense first and then feed. Or apply the fine material to the lamb's mouth and allow it to grind repeatedly. When it smells sweet and tastes the sweetness, it will rush to eat like the big sheep.

2 Moderate grazing. The proper movement of the lamb can enhance physical fitness and increase resistance to disease. Newborn lambs are raised in the first few days. After 5 to 7 days, the lambs can be rushed to free-living areas where there is sufficient sunlight. The first half-hour of the morning lambing starts at 1 hour, and gradually increases. After 3 weeks, the lambs can be grazing with the ewes and begin to approach. Some of them choose grazing where the terrain is flat, the leewards are sunny, and the pasture is good. Gradually increasing the grazing distance, the mother and child will walk slowly with the animal husbandry, and the lamb will not love the group. Be careful not to lose the lamb. After 30 days of age, lambs can be grouped and grazing, and the grazing time can be gradually increased with the lamb's age.

3 timely weaning. When lambs are weaned, they should be weaned and develop normal lambs according to their growth and development. By 3 to 4 months of age, they can feed a large amount of pastures and feeds, have independent living ability, and can switch from weaning to lambing. Lamb development is relatively uniform and can be used for weaning once. If the development is strong or weak, weaning method can be used, that is, the strong lambs are weaned first. Weakly lean lambs continue to breastfeed and the weaning time can be extended appropriately. After weaning, the lamb is left in the original shed. The ewes are locked in the farther sheep house to prevent the lamb from reading the mother and affecting the feeding.

Fourth, do a good job in environmental health

The premises should be dry and the drainage should be convenient. The housing should be warm in winter and cool in summer, clean and dry, and well ventilated. The body of the sheep should be clean. There are many rains in spring, and the temperature and humidity are suitable. Bacteria can multiply quickly and cause sheep disease. In the sheep house, excrement, diligent cleaning, diligently drying, and diligently changing bedding should be frequently used, and quicklime and grass and wood ash should be used to disinfect the house. After the sheep go out to grazing, the doors and windows inside the house should be opened for ventilation and expulsion of ammonia gas and moisture in the house to prevent the harmful gas from weakening the metabolic function of the sheep and hindering the normal blood circulation and respiratory activity of the sheep. After the sheep are grazing and returning home, the soil on the sheep body should be wiped in time, and special attention should be paid to the removal of mud between the leg of the sheep and the hooves and the cleanliness of the sheep body should be maintained. In addition, the fodder that is fed to the sheep in the spring is generally stored in the previous year. Due to the long storage time, it will have mildew in varying degrees when it is used in the spring. Sheep often cause chronic or acute poisoning after use. Therefore, special attention should be paid to sun exposure, mildew, or mildew to prevent sheep disease.

Fifth, prevent the occurrence of diseases

Spring is hot and cold, the weather is changeable, and the sheep can catch cold. The cold-sick sheep suffer from a lack of energy, with low head and hearing loss, coughing and runny nose, elevated body temperature, no grazing, and no rumination. The diseased sheep can use intramuscular injection of compound aminopyrine 5 to 10 milliliters, or 30% of eminopyram 5 to 10 milliliters. When the disease is severe, it can be combined with 1.6 million penicillin units and 500,000 units of streptomycin. Can also be used ginger 100 grams, 2 green onions, chopped soup, add 100 grams of brown sugar mixed hot pot, 1 day 2, even for 2 days, the effect is very good.

Prophylactic injection is an important measure to effectively control the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases. In general, the flock in spring should do the following immunizations.

Sheep and lung disease is an acute fever septicemia caused by Streptococcus suis, which is prevalent in the winter and spring and early spring in the second and third month is a high incidence period. When the weather is bad, the number of morbidity and death increases significantly, and the mortality rate can reach more than 80%. To prevent the disease, sheep should be injected with streptococcus sucrose aluminum hydroxide formaldehyde in the early winter each year. The sheep, irrespective of its size, was injected subcutaneously with 3 ml and injected again 2 to 3 weeks after the first injection. The dosage was still 3 ml. Clostridium perfringens disease is a common disease in sheep in the spring and is generally acute. It has acute onset, high mortality, and poor drug treatment. The best prevention methods currently rely on bacterins. In early spring, it can be prevented by injection of “rapid epidemic of sheep”, triple vaccine of enterotoxemia, or “rapid epidemic of sheep, fleas, diarrhea of ​​lambs, phytophthora of typhoid fever”. Before use, dissolve with 20% aluminum hydroxide colloidal saline solution and shake well. Regardless of the size of the sheep, either muscle or subcutaneous injection of 1 ml.

In addition, the Yangyang households should also do a good job of immunization against diseases such as fowlpox and brucellosis according to local conditions. Spring immunity should be sooner rather than later, it is best to seize the opportunity in the early spring, the sheep are all immune, immune injection should pay special attention to avoid green grass return season. At this time, the pasture is turning green, but it is not enough, and the lack of straw in the crops and the loss of appetite of the goats on the straw, coupled with the re-infestation of various parasites in the body and the outside, leads to a decline in the disease resistance of the sheep. At this time, the vaccine may induce some The outbreak of the disease caused the death of the sheep.

In the spring, the sheep drink pond water and eat dirty grass during grazing and are susceptible to parasitic diseases. Therefore, in March to April, the flock should be dewormed. The internal parasites can be used levamisole, albendazole, insects, busters, etc., to drive external parasites can be used to heat the water to bathe the body of goats, or to kill invincible powder exterminator.

The main focus is on the prevention and control of ticks and schistosomiasis and other conventional deworming. The larvae disease is transmitted by cockroaches. Therefore, prevention and control of cockroaches can not only effectively prevent the occurrence of sheep coccidiosis, but also improve the quality of the sheep and reduce the incidence and mortality. The high incidence of these two diseases is late spring and early summer. However, in practice, it is found that the disease can be onset as early as the beginning of March. At this time the sheep's constitution is weak, once the morbidity mortality is relatively high. The mistletoe on the body surface of the sheep mechanically damages the skin, causing itching and parasitism, causing the sheep to become restless, which in turn causes skin or wound rickets. When a large number of parasites parasitize, it can cause anemia, weight loss, stunting, and milk production in the sheep. Falling, hind limb paralysis. What's more, it can spread a large number of infectious diseases, such as schistosomiasis, sheep blood rosaiasis, anthrax, and brucellosis, which can directly or indirectly cause the death of sheep. The larvae disease is generally benign, but sometimes the mortality rate is as high as 46% to 100%. Sheep of different ages can be affected. There are multiple sheep within 1 year of age.

For the prevention of the above two diseases, the following treatment measures may be taken. The surgeon may wear double-line gloves, dip 2% solution of trichlorfon, and apply it to the inner part of the ear, tail, etc. of more mistletoe, once every half month. With gauze wrapped six six powder sprinkled in the sheep body, into the sheep 50 to 70 grams, 20 to 30 grams of lamb, once a month; when the weather is warm, but also available 0.03% to 0.06% of six six powder suspension, 1 : 150 40% dichlorvos emulsions and other spraying sheep, once every half a month.

Use a sixty-six powdered water suspension or dichlorvos water emulsion to periodically wash the floor, walls, feeding trough, and utensils. Once the sheep is infected with grub, you can use Bernier (the main ingredient is acampolin, etc.) for treatment, and use penicillin to prevent secondary infection. When the body temperature is high, you should use solutions such as Analgin and Antongding. Thermal pain medicine.

It is used for lung deficiency, dry cough, palpitation, insomnia, excessive heat and sweat. It can invigorate Qi and stimulate vital energy. Treatment of Qi deficiency, lung dryness and cough, with North Salvia miltiorrhiza, Ophiopogon japonicus, treatment of Qi and Yin deficiency of palpitation insomnia, sweating, with Ziziphus jujuba seed, Schisandra chinensis, etc. But its strength of invigorating Qi, nourishing Yin and invigorating Jin is weaker than that of American ginseng. Pseudostellaria heterophylla is a Caryophyllaceae plant. It is similar to ginseng in different families and genera. But its medicinal effect is weak. It needs to be taken continuously in large doses in order to achieve good results.

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