One, site preparation

Flatland can be taken as a whole land preparation and strip preparation. Before the site preparation, the base fertilizer should be applied to 4,000-5,000 kilograms per mu. The whole site is deep plowed by 30 to 50 cm. The width of the flat strip is 1 to 1.2 meters. The depth of the bed is 60 to 80 centimeters. The soil and fertilizer are evenly mixed and filled into the ditch. The slopes are steep and the slopes can be repaired. Planting sites can excavate 606,080 centimeters of large pits, and can be digged directly from the ground or earth. When backfilling, 25 to 50 kilograms of organic fertilizer should be mixed in. The site preparation is best done in the previous year or one season in advance.

Second, planting

When pepper is planted, it is necessary to choose the type of local high yield. Seedlings are strong, with well-developed root system, full-headed buds without plant diseases and insect pests, and mechanical damage. The ground diameter is 0.8 cm and plant height is more than 30 cm. In arid regions, the planting density can be 34 meters, 24 meters, and 23 meters for a single plantation. The number of plants per acre is 74, 83, and 111, respectively. Planting density also considers local site conditions and natural conditions. At the same time, it also considers that there must be enough tree plates and intercroppings to plant 55 or so colonies after survival. Spring and autumn can be planted. The spring takes place before the sprouting of the pepper, and the autumn planting of the crop from October to November is the best. Put the seedlings in fresh water (about 0.3% of urea added to the water) and soak for 12 to 24 hours before planting. Cut the roots that have been cut off. When planting, the seedlings are placed vertically in the center of the pit. After one-third of the soil is filled, the saplings are gently lifted upwards to make the root system stretch and bind tightly to the soil. And around the establishment of a diameter of about one meter of the establishment of the ring, then watering the rooting water, and re-warranting soil.

Third, field management

1. Deeply plucked grass, from the autumn to the soil before freezing can be carried out under the canopy of shallow digging. Deep crowning (not to hurt the roots), digging 1 to 2 feet between rows, combined with fertilization, sand mixing clay to improve the poor structure of the soil.

2. Cultivate soil and change soil: Earthing can prevent evaporation of water; changing soil can increase fertility and eliminate pests and diseases. Soil exchange is generally performed before the soil freezes.

3. Fertilization: Fertilization can be divided into three methods: basal fertilizer, top dressing and foliar spray. After basal fertilizer is picked, it is mainly applied organic fertilizer and mixed with phosphate fertilizer. How much, according to the size of the tree, the general fruit period of the tree can be applied 30 to 50 kg of organic fertilizer, top dressing is also called compensatory fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, 2 to 4 times a year, that is, before flowering fertilizer, Post-harvest fertilizer, strong fruit fertilizer, and fruit fertilizer can be divided into six sections around the canopy, digging one, three, and five sections for the first time, and digging the second, fourth, and sixth sections for the second time. It doesn't matter if the small roots are cut off during fertilization. The purpose of pruning can be achieved by excavating small roots. Foliar spray is also a supplement fertilizer, also called the root outside the fertilization, simple and easy to use, play a role fast, in 15 minutes to two hours will be able to absorb all. Foliar spray fertilizer can avoid soil compaction. Improve leaf photosynthesis. It can also increase the respiratory intensity, improve the nutrition of the roots, and promote the metabolism of the entire tree. However, foliar spray can not replace soil fertilization. The foliar spray should be used in summer before 10 am and after 4 pm Up to five urea sprays. It is advisable to spray once in the next 5 days. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, gibberellin, and boric acid can also be added during the later spraying to increase the fruit setting rate. Especially in the young fruit formation period is more important, water spray can also play a role in improving the fruit setting rate.

Monkfish Series

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