Can I eat ginseng during pregnancy? This is a topic of concern for many pregnant people. Everyone knows that ginseng is a supplement to qi and is suitable for the elderly and the sick. In pregnant women, she is a young, strong woman, but she is also a woman who needs nutritional supplements.

It is generally believed that most pregnant women have a deficiency of blood after pregnancy, supplements of eating paraphernalia will cause gas consumption, increase pregnancy reaction, easily cause edema, high blood pressure, etc. It is recommended that pregnant women should not eat. If you really want to eat American ginseng, it is best to eat imported. It is said that domestic ginseng is still hot.

American ginseng

Is ginseng beneficial or harmful to pregnant women?

Chinese medicine believes that after maternal pregnancy, the maternal yin and blood gather together to support the fetus, and the body's righteousness is relatively insufficient. At the same time, due to the accumulation of yin and blood, the yang is relatively prevalent, and the expectant mother is in a state of yin deficiency and yin deficiency. "The prenatal condition is hot".

Ginseng is a traditional Chinese medicine that everyone is familiar with, has the vitality, Spleen Yifei, Sheng Jin Anshen role, can enhance the body's immune function. However, due to its partial temperature, there are heat syndromes and positivity. For physically weak mothers, they can be taken under the guidance of a doctor. If the mother is physically weak and hot, she should not take ginseng.

Tonic ginseng depends on the period of pregnancy

At the beginning of a woman's pregnancy, the mother's various systems will undergo a corresponding change due to pregnancy. The body's resistance will be reduced and colds will occur. In this period, some ginseng is properly tonic to improve the immune function of expectant mothers and reduce the incidence of colds. Benefits. During pregnancy, due to the increase of coagulation factors, the mother's blood is in a hypercoagulable state, and taking ginseng can inhibit platelet aggregation and antithrombosis, so it can improve the blood circulation of the placenta and play a role in the development of the fetus. .

At the same time, due to the anticoagulant effect of ginseng, it may increase the possibility of bleeding at the time of mother-to-childbirth. Therefore, if mothers do not have symptoms of qi deficiency during childbirth and childbirth, they do not need to take ginseng.

Use ginseng rationally, please follow doctor's advice and take ginseng and ginseng

Ginseng's medicinal properties are relatively warm, and if it is used for a long period of time or if it is used in excessive amounts, it will result in the loss of yin and yin, yin and wang, and disturbance of the fetus, resulting in bleeding. In severe cases, it will endanger the life of the fetus. For mothers themselves, although ginseng toxicity is small, too much of it can cause damage to the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and Digestive System. Long-term use can also cause side effects such as insomnia, depression, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure. Therefore, mothers should take appropriate amounts of ginseng for supplementing ginseng. Do not see that it is a tonic that it has a lot of benefits and no harm to the human body. It is also not acceptable for long-term use.

When choosing ginseng, it may depend on the mother's constitution. In general, expectant mothers have the symptoms of shortness of breath, cold, cold and other physique deficiency can use red ginseng; under normal circumstances can choose raw ginseng or American ginseng. There are many ways to take ginseng, such as soaking in water, decoction, and stew.

In short, mothers taking ginseng should be conducted under the guidance of doctors. If insomnia, chest tightness, belching, abdominal distension, rose rash, pruritus, and nose bleeding should occur during the course of taking ginseng, they should be stopped immediately to avoid causing further illness. serious consequence.

Food recommended during pregnancy

Nutritional preparation during pregnancy is very important, eat more quality protein, such as lean meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, fruit, beans, and more minerals and vitamins, such as iodine, calcium, iron, Zinc, edible foods include kelp, seaweed, sea shrimp, marine fish, black fungus, liver, green vegetables, bananas, apples. In addition, we must pay attention to the intake of dietary fiber, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, raisins, peas, celery.

Veterinary Products



African Horse Sickness

African Swine Fever

Aino Disease


Amblyomma hebraeum

Amblyomma variegatum

American Cattle Tick

See: Boophilus annulatus


Aujeszky`s Disease

Avian Influenza

Avian Mycoplasmosis



See: Cat Scratch Disease


Blue Eye Disease


Boophilus annulatus

Boophilus microplus


Bovine Babesiosis

Bovine Ephemeral Fever

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Bovine Tuberculosis

Brown Ear Tick

See: Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

Brucella abortus

Brucella canis

Brucella melitensis

Brucella ovis

Brucella suis


Brucellosis (Marine Mammals)




Canine Influenza

Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis

Castor Bean Tick

See: Ixodes ricinus

Cat Scratch Disease

Cattle Fever

See: Bovine Babesiosis

Chagas (Trypanosomiasis-American)

Chlamydiosis (Avian)

Chlamydiosis (Mammalian)


Chronic Wasting Disease

Classical Swine Fever


Coggins Disease

See: Equine Infectious Anemia

Contagious Agalactia

Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Ecthyma

Contagious Equine Metritis


See: Q Fever

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever




See: Taenia





Duck Virus Enteritis

Duck Virus Hepatitis


Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis

Ebola Virus Disease


Egg Drop Syndrome


Enterovirus Encephalomyelitis

Epizootic Hematopoietic Necrosis

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease

Epizootic Lymphangitis

Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens

Equine Babesiosis

See: Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Encephalitides

Equine Infectious Anemia

Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Viral Arteritis

Escherichia coli 0157:H7

Exotic Ticks

See: Ticks (Exotic)


Ivermectin Injection,Veterinary Injection,Veterinary Products,Veterinary Tablet