The benefits of eating spicy food


1. To help lose weight: Pepper contains capsaicin, which can speed up the transformation of the material and help the body to accelerate the burning and destruction of fat. This is because capsaicin increases the temperature of the body tissue and accelerates the heart rate.

2. Benefits for Cardiovascular: Pepper can help improve cardiovascular health by changing the ability of organ tissue to dissolve blood clots. Studies have shown that LDL-cholesterol has a low density and can counteract blood oxidation over time. Therefore, adding chili to food can reduce the risk of heart disease and cerebral thrombosis.

3. Promote blood circulation: spicy foods also promote blood circulation and help lower blood pressure. When you eat spicy foods, the body tissue temperature will increase, increasing the blood flow of the heart. The pepper also contains a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C, which can help consolidate the blood vessel wall.

4. Anti-cancer: Many studies have shown that regular consumption of chili reduces the risk of cancer. In some cases, capsaicin slows the progression of cancer cells. Not only that, while killing cancer cells, it will not destroy the surrounding cells.

5. Promote digestion: Condiments will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, helping to digest food more easily and increasing blood flow into the stomach. Capsaicin in spicy spices can help kill bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori and help prevent and treat gastritis. If you nap after eating spicy food, try an antacid to reconcile stomach acid.

6. Treatment of arthritis: The turmeric in the preparation can reduce inflammation and damage to the body's bones. Curcumin in turmeric can help relieve arthritis-related pain.

7. Treat colds and colds: Foods containing capsaicin will sweat the body and help reduce the discomfort caused by colds and colds. It can also help relieve nasal congestion, free breathing and relieve rhinitis and other flu symptoms.

8. Improve Sleep: Australian research has found that people who eat as much food are more likely to fall asleep. They are also more likely to wake up from their sleep, are not tired, and are full of vitality all day long.

9. Change the mental state: Pepper can increase the level of internal hemorrhoids and serotonin, reduce pain, help people feel happy, and avoid mental illness and mental stress.

10. Improve breathing: Pepper is best for people suffering from asthma, chronic bronchitis, and rhinitis because it helps phlegm and clear phlegm and makes you breathe more comfortably. Pepper also has the effect of making the nose smooth and helping to breathe smoothly. However, it is important to eat spicy food in moderation. Especially if you have stomach ulcers, be sure to stay away from spicy foods.


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