Relatives and friends meet and work happily, nuts are the most common snack foods. It is a fragrant and nutrient-rich food that is commonly used by many people for health. However, it is not suitable for everyone and is always appropriate.

The effect and function of nuts

1, brain and brain, promote brain development.

The study found that almost all dried fruit foods are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, high-quality protein, and amino acids. These components are indispensable to the development of the brain and are of great help in improving brain nutrition. So eating more dried fruit can make you smarter.

2, clear the body free it also your health.

Studies have found that a strong morning like a melon seed has a strong free radical scavenging effect.


3, reduce the risk of diabetes.

Promoting cardiovascular health The abundant unsaturated fatty acids in nuts not only balance insulin but also lower blood sugar. At the same time, many nuts are very helpful in maintaining blood lipid and apolipoprotein balance.

4, improve vision.

Especially for the eyes of the family to eat nuts often have the effect of improving vision. This is because eating more hard food will promote the function of the ciliary muscle to regulate the eye lens. Nuts are the hardest foods.

5, to supplement the body needs nutrition and promote good health.

Nutty foods are generally rich in minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, various trace elements, etc. can supplement the body's nutrients. For example, the following nuts are particularly suitable for daily consumption by women.

What kind of people need to eat nuts carefully?

First of all, diarrhea is best not to eat nuts, because nuts are rich in oil and dietary fiber, can play a role in laxative, but if you are catching up with diarrhea, you should not eat again, otherwise it will increase the symptoms of diarrhea. At the same time, acute infections of the digestive tract and fat indigestion should avoid eating nuts for the time being.

Secondly, nutty nourishment of the nut has nourishing effect on people with physical deficiency. But people who fall in love should not eat more. Nuts are mostly made by baking, frying and other methods, and will add a lot of salt and other spices, can easily cause dry mouth and throat. People with pharyngitis, oral ulcers, etc. should not eat more.

In addition, some people are allergic to certain nuts, such as peanuts and cashew nuts. Once ingested, it can cause pruritus, pharyngeal edema, and may even be life-threatening. Such people should stay away from allergens.

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