1. Soil Fertilizer Zucchini prefers slightly acidic soils and has strong fertility. Excessive application of nitrogenous fertilizers tends to cause slenderness of stems and leaves, resulting in flowering, falling fruit and diseases. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be used in combination with fertilization. In general, for every 1000 kg of fruit harvested, 3.29 kg of nitrogen, 2.13 kg of phosphorus, and 7.29 kg of potassium are absorbed.

2. Sowing seedlings Whether seedling nursery or nutritious seedlings are used for seedling cultivation, nutrient soil must be prepared first, which is the key to nurturing strong seedlings. Take 3 fertile fields that have not been seeded with melons within 4 years, a decomposed circumfertility, add a small amount of fireweed ash and sawdust, mix well, sifted, and then smash or prepare nutrients. Can be sown, cover the soil thickness of 2 cm. After completion of this procedure, a small amount of bran mixed with methamidophos should be sprinkled on the surface to prevent underground pests. Afterwards, moisten with a small shed film until it emerges.

3. The temperature of the seedling stage is maintained at 20°C to 25°C during the day. When the temperature exceeds 25°C, the temperature should be lowered. The night temperature is maintained at 10 °C ~ 15 °C, the minimum must not be less than 6 °C. During this period, we must scientifically control the water content properly, and we can use small water when there are obvious water shortages. We should pay attention to ventilation after watering, reduce air humidity, and prevent diseases. In order to prevent the emergence of blight, blight and other diseases, a small amount of Wanqin and Guanling may be used to irrigate the roots twice; in order to prevent the diseases of the leaves from occurring, they may be sprayed with thiophanate-methyl or chlorothalonil leaves every 7 days. Application once; In order to control the damage of greenhouse whitefly, aphids, cabbage caterpillars, and leafminers, they can be sprayed once every 5 to 7 days.

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