[Distribution] Peach root cancer disease is also known as crown gall disease, root cancer disease. Occurs throughout the world. The scope of the host is very broad. According to statistics, it can invade 138 families and 1193 kinds of plants such as peach, pear, apple, grape, persimmon, plum, apricot, cherry, chestnut, walnut, jujube and chrysanthemum. Parasites on the roots of host plants form crowns and weaken the tree. In severe cases, fruit trees died.
[Pathogens and Symptoms] Peach root cancer[Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Towns.) Conn. ] is Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a bacterium. The bacterium is short rod-shaped, flagellate unipolar, without spores. Developmental optimum temperature 22 °C, the highest 34 °C, the lowest 10 °C, the lethal temperature of 51 °C 10 minutes. The optimum pH is pH 7.3. In the 1970s, the bacteria was studied by Prof. Kerr of Australia and found that there were three biochemical types. The infected peach trees were biochemical type I and biochemical type II.
Carcinogenesis mainly occurs in the rhizomes, but also in the main roots and lateral roots. Carcinoma is usually centered on the neck and root axis, round and side of the side. Spherical or spherical or amorphous. A small number of 1 to 2, more than 10. The size is also very different, small as beans, large as walnuts, fists or larger, or clusters of several tumors to form a large tumor. The neoplastic knobs are smooth and silky, mostly milky white, reddish, brownish to dark brown, rough surface, bumpy, hard inside. Late cancerous tumors are dark brown and easy to fall off. The surface tissue is easily broken, rotted, and has rancid odor. In the vicinity of the old mature cancerous tumor shedding can also produce new secondary cancers. The diseased plants developed cancerous roots, blocked the circulation of water and nutrients, and the growth of the shoots was hindered. The tree vigor declined day by day, and the leaves were thin, thin, and yellow in colour, and died severely when dry.
【Pathogenesis】 Pathogenic bacteria live in the cortex and soil of cancer tissue and can survive for more than 1 year. Rainwater, irrigation water, underground pests, nematodes, etc. are the main carriers of transmission, and seedlings carrying bacteria are the main route of long-distance transmission. The pathogens invade the host mainly through grafting, insect injury, mechanical injury, and stomata. After the invasion, they stimulate the peripheral cells to divide rapidly, leading to the formation of cancerous tumors. The pathogenic bacteria invaded from the formation of cancerous tumors, the course of the disease varies widely, less than a few weeks, more than 1 year. Forest, fruit seedlings and vegetable cultivars, fruit seedlings and forest seedlings heavy pods are generally heavy, especially peach seedlings and poplar seedlings, woodland bryoderma significantly increase the incidence of root cancer. Alkaline soil, soil moisture, viscosity, poor drainage, is conducive to infection and disease.
[control methods]
(1) Cultivate high-quality seedlings 1 Avoid weight loss: Plant peach trees or raise seedlings and avoid heavy weights, and do not plant in the original forest (poplar, paulownia, etc.) fruits (grape, persimmon, chestnut, etc.). 2 Grafted seedlings were grafted to avoid contact with the soil and reduce the chance of infection. Grafting tools must be disinfected with 75% alcohol before and after use to avoid human transmission. 3Alkaline soils should be properly applied with acidic fertilizers or organic fertilizers such as green manure to change the soil reaction so that it is not conducive to the growth of bacteria.
(2) Seedlings should be carefully inspected after they are lifted and germinated. Immediately remove the diseased seedlings by dipping them with K84 biological pesticides 30 to 50 times (submerged on the interface) for 3 to 5 minutes, or 3% sodium hypochlorite for 3 minutes, or 1 The copper sulfate solution was immersed in liquid for 5 minutes and then immersed in 2% lime for 2 minutes. The above three kinds of disinfection methods are also suitable for peach seed soaking and disease prevention.
(3) Treatment of tumors When tumors are found on the fruit trees after colonization, the cancerous tumors are first completely resected with a sharp knife, and then the incision is sterilized with dilute 100 times copper sulfate solution or 50 times antibacterial agent-402 solution, and then coated with Bordeaux Paste. Can also be used 10% agricultural streptomycin wettable powder 1000 times liquid coating incision, plus Vaseline protection, can also be used Baume 5 degrees lime sulfur mixture and lard, coated in the incision. Cut out the tumor should be immediately burned. The soil surrounding the diseased plant can be disinfected with 2000 times dilution of the antimicrobial agent-402. Note that the incision does not become a week or it will die.

Carrot is a kind of vegetable which is rich in nutrition and easy to process. The raw materials are bright red, the section yellow core is small, and the luster is not damaged. Processing should be selected one by one, cut off the non-edible parts, wash 2 to 3 times, according to the requirements of cutting into various shapes, such as block, sheet, stripe, dice, round pattern, stripe pattern, etc. the remaining material is generally processed into dice. The products used for export should be removed according to the requirements of merchants, and the peeling machine can be used for mass production. The processed products are blanched for 1-3 minutes in the hot water of 100 C in the basket. The blanching degree should be strictly controlled. If the blanching is excessive, the products will become soft and discolored, which will affect the quality of the products. After blanching, chill to below 10 C, drain on the vibrating drainer, freeze in the quick freezing device for 10 minutes, and pack quantitatively and refrigerate. Customers who need to freeze Diced Carrots can contact us at any time.

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