First, hanging method When garlic is harvested, the garlic to be hung up must be carefully selected to remove those garlic that are too small, stems and leaves rotten, damaged and damp. Then spread on the ground to dry, until the stems and leaves become soft yellow, garlic's skin has dried. Finally, select 50 to 100 garlic heads of the same size and hang them under a shady, ventilated and ventilated roof to allow them to air dry for storage.
Second, the heap method garlic After harvest, remove the loose petals, insects, moldy and injured garlic, according to 50 to 100 bundles into a bundle, to dry leaves. After the leaves are dry, then the garlic roots are dried. Hang garlic for 7 to 10 days and choose a cool, ventilated place for storage. When the garlic is piled up, it should be opened 3 to 5 days to open the garlic garlic and let it dry, regardless of whether it is sunny or not. When the garlic is allowed to dry, it should be aired during the day and be sealed in the evening so as to avoid rain and rotting. A week or so, the second outbreak. This is repeated twice to dry all the garlic, then transferred to a ventilated room, stacked in storage or bamboo baskets to maintain low humidity and cool conditions, and often check.
Third, the burying method has a width of 1 to 1.5 meters. After the garlic is buried, it cannot be checked at any time. To avoid rot loss during storage, strictly select those that are disease-free and non-damaging before storage. The burial of garlic is generally selected as a cover. First, a layer of 2 cm thick oysters is laid on the bottom of the ditch, then a layer of garlic is layered on top of the sluice. The layers are piled up to about 5 cm from the ground and covered with saggers. Do not expose the garlic to the air. Cause a certain sealing conditions, inhibit the respiration of garlic, reduce the oxygen content, is conducive to the deposition of carbon dioxide in the storage environment, provide good conditions for the storage of garlic.
Fourth, radiation storage radiation treatment is the use of r-ray lethal dose of 14000 Lunqin to irradiate garlic. Irradiation through the bulb causes ionization of water and other substances in the body of the garlic, producing free radicals or ions that inhibit metabolism. The method is easy to operate, has a high preservation quality and can be stored for 1 to 2 years at room temperature.
Fifth, chemicals used to store chemicals commonly used for the Qingxin, its sodium, potassium, ammonium salt soluble in water, low toxicity to humans and animals. The method is: after garlic convulsions and one week before harvest, add Qingshuisu 120 to 180-fold dilution and spray garlic leaves to suppress garlic sprouting. Spray the sprayer after use to wash, be careful not to spray garlic, so as not to affect the germination.

Main products are our featured products. Including Sea-Frozen Mackerel, Sea-Frozen Mackerel HGT, Sea-Frozen Mackerel HGGT, Sea-Frozen Mackerel Fillet Piece, Sea-Frozen Bonito, Sea-Frozen Bonito HGT, Sea-Frozen Pacific Saury, Sea-Frozen Spanish Mackerel,  Sea-Frozen Mahi Mahi, Sea-Frozen Scad Mackerel and Sea-Frozen Sardine. They are all fresh and delicious because when the fishing season is coming we use our own vessel to go fishing on the sea and directly froze on the vessel.

We own 7 distant fishing vessels, 14 sea-frozen processing vessels, the annual processing of various types of aquatic products amounted to 100,000 tons. The company main engaged in sea frozen mackerel, sea frozen tuna, sea frozen bonito, also focus on the canned fish, fish loin and octopus etc.

We will always strive to create more delicious, natural and safer marine health food.

Main Seafood Products

Main Seafood Products,Main Frozen Seafood,Frozen Main Seafood Product