How to buy seedlings without germs?

If conditions allow, and there are technicians, it is recommended to purchase the tissue culture seedlings in the disease-free zone, increase the amount of bio-organic fertilizer in the breeding medium, cultivate healthy seedlings, and entrust large-scale nursery farms with disease-free seedling breeding programs. Education.

Wilt banana plants how to deal with?

Immediately remove, cut off plants for deep burial or incineration, and discard them at will.

How to replant the banana garden with infected Wilt disease?

Find relevant testing organizations to determine the number of pathogenic bacteria and soil nematodes in the soil. If the number is large, it is recommended that crop rotation or fumigation should be followed by planting, or replanting resistant varieties.

How to apply fertilization management in Jiaoyuan?

The soil was tested before planting and the soil was modified based on the test results. Increase the amount of organic fertilizer in the base fertilizer and strictly control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. In the early stage, high-nitrogen fertilizers were used to promote the growth of bananas. After flower bud differentiation, high potassium fertilizers were applied to promote flower bud differentiation and fruit development. In order to obtain high-quality bananas, fulvic acid, oligochitosan, and other functional fertilizers were applied during flower bud differentiation and bud drawing, and microelement fertilizers, especially calcium fertilizer and magnesium fertilizer, were applied.

How to choose qualified organic fertilizer?

If conditions permit, ordinary organic fertilizers can be used to purchase raw materials in the field to compost and turn them in due course. The purchase of common organic fertilizers and bio-organic fertilizers must be purchased by manufacturers that have registration certificates. Currently, there are not many organic bio-fertilizer manufacturers registered and they need to be queried online.

How to apply soil conditioner?

The soil amendment is best applied as a basal fertilizer, which can be applied in two separate applications. It is applied to the whole garden one time before the ploughing and one time during the middle and late stages of the rainy season. If the pH of the soil is low, lime may be used for the first time at a dosage of 50 to 100 kg/mu. In the late stage of banana growth, weak alkaline soil modifiers such as calcium magnesium powder, shell powder, and grass ash are used. On the market, soil conditioners containing silicon, calcium, and magnesium with a pH value of about 8 can be used. The amount is 50-75 kg/mu.


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