Introduction: Drinking right drinks not only quenches thirst, but also has multiple functions such as increasing endurance, alleviating cold symptoms and stomach discomfort. The United States "Huffington Post" recently concluded that the most suitable drink for drinking in several situations.

Milk grapefruit juice chamomile tea drink treats 10 kinds of beverages


Increase muscle: drink milk. Milk has the effect of increasing human strength. It contains whey protein and casein, which have all the essential amino acids that help muscle growth.

Reduce weight: grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice has been shown to have the benefit of weight loss. Eating half a grapefruit at each meal is better for weight loss than drinking grapefruit juice alone.

Before and after running: sour cherry juice. Drinking sour cherry juice before running can minimize muscle pain after running. Drinking sour cherry juice immediately after exercise also helps muscle recovery.

Colds: Lemon Honey Tea. When a cold catches a cold, drinking this beverage can clear the clogged nostrils, thereby relieving the symptoms of colds and colds. Avoid drinking milk and other dairy beverages during colds, as some people may experience increased amounts of dairy products as a result of eating dairy products.

Aphthous: coconut milk. After suffering from aphthous ulcers, try gargle with coconut milk or drink some coconut milk; this is because coconut oil helps treat fungal infections such as thrush.

Constipation: Aloe juice. Aloe vera has a laxative effect. Using a large glass of water to serve the psyllium powder also helps relieve constipation.

Help sleep: chamomile tea. Chamomile can make people relax into deep sleep, in addition warm milk also has a sedative effect.

Help digestion: mint tea. Drinking herbal tea (especially mint tea) has the effect of relieving greasyness and helping digestion.

Ease spicy: yogurt. Fat and protein contained in yogurt can reduce the burning sensation of spicy foods, while skim milk products do not have such efficacy.

Bloating: baking soda. Mixing a small amount of baking soda into a glass of water and mixing it to drink it will relieve flatulence and bloating. Probiotic drinks also reduce flatulence. (Source: Life Times)

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