1, anti-aging: tomatoes have anti-aging and lower cholesterol and other elements to help prevent elderly diseases, suitable for eating, China is the world's most frequent hepatitis, tomatoes have a role in liver protection.


2, rich in vitamin C: delicious on the table, charming appearance, fresh color, many people like to eat, in fact, not only delicious tomatoes, but also has some "pharmacological effects." Tomatoes contain vitamin C, can prevent colds, and a large number of lycopene, is a natural pigment to make tomato red, anti-oxidative damage and soften blood vessels.

3. Anti-cancer: The lycopene in tomatoes has a high anti-oxidation effect. It can protect cells from damage, and can also repair damaged cells, inhibit and eliminate free radicals in the human body. Protecting the cardiovascular system and reducing the incidence of heart disease and hypertension have certain effects on cancer prevention and cancer resistance.

4. Whitening: Do you want to keep your skin white? Of course, you often eat tomatoes. The vitamin P it contains is an indispensable substance for normal cellular metabolism. It can make skin pigments and dark spots subside and prevent pigmentation.

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Puyang Degren Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. , https://www.degrenyuwei.com