It is a good way for the current vegetable seedlings to plant vegetable seedlings in greenhouses in accordance with local conditions in a solar greenhouse, which can concentrate a large number of seedlings and transport them over long distances.

First, plug seedling equipment

1. Plug. The currently used plug is 54.4 cm long, 27.9 cm wide and 3.5 to 5.5 cm high. Hole depth varies depending on hole size. According to the different number of holes, the hole is divided into 50 holes, 72 holes, 128 holes, 288 holes and so on. Cucumber generally uses 128 holes, 72 holes can also be used.

2. Nursery substrate. The ideal nursery substrate is peat, vermiculite, and perlite, and composite substrates are generally used. As far as possible, choose a light-weight matrix with rich local resources and low cost, and use an organic-inorganic composite matrix for better results. The nursery substrate also facilitates the winding of the roots to facilitate picking. The bases are formulated as follows: peat: vermiculite is 2:1 or 3:1; peat: vermiculite: perlite is 2:1:1.

Each cubic metre of matrix was added with 10 kg of puffed chicken manure, 1 kg of diammonium phosphate, 0.5 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and 5 kg of superphosphate.

3. Greenhouse. The greenhouse is an important supporting facility for plug seedlings. Modern greenhouses can be used, but the existing energy-efficient solar greenhouses are generally used in production. The greenhouse is equipped with a spray system and a seed bed for laying plugs. The seed bed is made of iron frames. It can also be tiled directly on the ground, slag, sand and pebbles. In short, hard and heavy materials are required to prevent wear. The roots of the burrow hole expanded and caused seedlings to injure the root when raising the seedlings.

4. The design and construction of the germination chamber. The germination room should be equipped with automatic control systems such as heating, humidification and air exchange. In order to save expenses, a simple priming room can be used to build a small shed in a solar greenhouse, and a heating device, such as heating, in the shed. The germination room temperature was controlled between 28°C and 30°C, and the humidity was above 95%. Care was taken to keep the temperature and humidity even. In the germination room, the plates were germinated.

Second, the plug seedling process

1. Soak germination. Because of the use of artificial on-demand, vegetable seeds (such as eggplant, pepper, tomato, etc.) should be soaked in warm soup to germinate.

2. Prepare the matrix. In accordance with the proportion of peat, vermiculite, perlite, organic fertilizer, fertilizer and mix. Vermiculite and perlite are relatively light and easy to fly when dry. They can be mixed after adding a small amount of water.

The reusable matrix is ​​to be disinfected. 40% formaldehyde or 70% thiophanate methyl or 50% carbendazim (but less effective in controlling pests) can be used. The method is to dilute the liquid to 40 to 50 times, and the water should be uniform at 20 to 40 liters per cubic meter. The substrate was sprayed and covered with a plastic film. The stack was sealed for more than 24 hours. The film was allowed to dry after being air-dried for about 2 weeks. At the same time, the plugs will be reused and the same will be fumigated. Due to more diseases in the eggplant seedling stage in the past two years, repeated use of the matrix is ​​not recommended.

3 plate pressure pit. Use a 50-well tray. Place the wells that hold the matrix one by one and place them one by one. Every 10 times together, artificially press out the seeding pit. The pit depth is 1 to 1.5 centimeters. The seeding pit is too shallow and it is easy to "wear out the helmet."

4. Sow cover soil. Pregerminated cucumber seeds are manually seeded. Only germinated seeds are selected on-demand, and germinating seeds are picked out and then germinated. After germination, seeds are sown that the seedlings grow neatly and consistently. After sowing, the covering materials were all made of vermiculite. After the sealing was made with vermiculite, the surface of the plug was leveled and gently suppressed to prevent “wearing out of the cap”.

5. Stacked disk germination. The germination room should have sufficient temperature and sufficient moisture. Stack the trays together to germinate, saving both space and temperature. After emergence, the germination room can be moved out and placed in the greenhouse.

6. Pouring nutrient solution or water. After cotyledon flattening, 0.2% urea and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture can be poured, and the weak seedlings and young seedlings are heavily watered. When watering the nutrient solution, care must be taken to prevent excessive fluid accumulation in the container. The supply of nutrient solution should be combined with the supply of water. After pouring one or two nutrient solutions and pouring water once, the accumulation of salinity in the matrix can be avoided to inhibit the growth of seedlings. The formulated nutrient solution contains a large number of elements and trace elements. In order to reduce the cost of available fertilizers to prepare nutrient solution, the formula is as follows: 450 grams of urea, 500 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 500 grams of magnesium sulfate, 700 grams of calcium sulfate, and trace elements are added per 1000 kg of water. The pH of the nutrient solution is around 6.2. Special attention should be paid to the total salt concentration of the formulated nutrient solution not exceeding 0.3%.

7. Moisture and temperature management. Sowing to seedling to maintain the matrix moisture content of 85% to 90%; cotyledons expanded to 2 leaves 1 heart, to maintain the matrix moisture content of 65% to 80%; 3 leaves 1 heart to a seedling, the matrix moisture content reduced to 60% to 65% To prevent leggy seedlings. One or two days prior to emergence, the plants were watered first, and the seedlings were raised. The roots and the substrates were intertwined with each other to form plugs and the roots were intact. Final packaging, packing and transportation. Plug seedlings are stacked at 30°C for pre-germination, usually 2 to 3 days to unearth. After cooling, 25°C during the day and 15°C during the night.

Wrinkle Removal Machine

Dongguan Anmeixuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd ,