Summer is the peak season for the growth and development of goldfish. During this period, the temperature was higher, the food intake of goldfish increased, and the activities were extremely frequent. In addition, the decomposition of food residues and the rapid growth of microorganisms in the water consumed a lot of dissolved oxygen, which could easily induce various diseases. Therefore, grasping the scientific rearing and management of goldfish in summer is the key to promoting the healthy and lively growth of goldfish and increasing enjoyment. The four-point measure is briefly described below for reference.

First, pay attention to proper feeding

The key to the feeding of goldfish in the summer is to grasp a standard of quantity. Goldfish have a wide diet and gluttony, many animal and plant foods are like to eat. If you indiscriminately overdose the bait, it will cause juvenile bulimia due to bulging, full of intestines, indigestion, easy to produce stagnation. In addition, excessive feeding and remaining in the water are liable to be fermented and deteriorated, thereby damaging the water quality. The correct amount of bait is based on the amount of bait that is thrown in. The goldfish is finished in 15-30 minutes. The following three points should be grasped in feeding:

1, the source of feed

Goldfish like to eat fish live animals such as worms, leeches, if its source is limited, with a complete nutritional composition artificial diet can also;

2, disinfection

Live feeds should be fully cleaned and disinfected prior to feeding, and artificial diets can also be mixed with appropriate amounts of disinfectant to prevent disease from entering the fish pond;

3, feeding method

Feeding regularly, quantitatively, and qualitatively, usually 1-2 times a day, in the morning at 5-7 hours in the morning, and every time in the afternoon from 6:00 to 6:00, when feeding, it should be combined with weather, water temperature, water quality, and fish intake and The appropriate amount of feeding should be appropriate for the swimming situation, and should be as few as possible or not during rainy days, cooling, stuffiness, and illness.

Second, pay attention to regular water changes

Changing the water regularly to keep the water clean is an effective way to create a good breeding environment, specifically grasp the following five aspects:

1, change the timing

Change the water twice a day in the summer. Before the sun came out in the morning, most of the time after the sun went down, the water changed once after the sun went down.

2, change the amount of water

General control in the water body 1/5-1/4 is appropriate, advocate "old water fish"

3, change the water method

The siphon tube is used to suck the bottom residue and excrement first, while discharging 1/5-1/4 of the old water, and then add the same amount of fully exposed oxygenated clean water.

4, change the water operation

Should be light, slow, stable, to avoid damage to the fish, but not to stir the pool water, the goldfish container every 1-2 weeks scrub once.

5, other methods

An air pump can also be installed in the rearing container to continuously agitate the water body to form a water flow, increase the contact surface between water and air, and increase the dissolved oxygen in the water. Zeolite can also be put in. Generally, each zeolite can meet the oxygen demand of 2 Lami water; Set up aerator.

Third, pay attention to disease prevention

Goldfish disease prevention and control work should be based on prevention. First, the stocking density should be appropriate; second, the fingerlings and feed should be disinfected; the third is the regular disinfection of the pool water; and the fourth is the timely exchange of water. The summer temperature is as high as 37-39 degrees, and the water temperature is often above 30 degrees. At this time, we must be alert to the two major threats of lack of oxygen and hot iron, and do a good job of the defensive agency. The main measures are: First, to deepen the water level, goldfish can sneak into the bottom of the low-temperature water layer; Second, complete cleaning, frequently changing the water or shading nets on the container, slow down the water temperature. In the summer, if goldfish are found to be lazy to eat less food, leave alone, fins shrink, or fish appear white spots, tunica albuginea, erythema, ulcers, etc., they must be isolated and treated in time. Bacterial diseases such as gill disease, hemorrhagic disease, enteritis, and print disease, as well as parasite diseases such as oystercatchers and Chinese sturgeons, will also occur in summer. Prevention and control work shall be strengthened.

Fourth, pay attention to daily management

1, strengthen the inspection

Every morning and evening, at least two rounds of inspections should be made to observe goldfish activities and changes in water quality, and timely inject clean water into goldfish.

2, the appropriate value of water plants

In the goldfish container, proper amounts of water weeds are transplanted, and photosynthesis of aquatic plants can meet the demand of dissolved gold for goldfish. The time for water change in containers with aquatic plants can also be extended to once every half month or even once a month. Common grass can choose to use grass, yellow grass, black leaf algae and so on.

3, sun protection

Keep shady shade in summer to prevent “hot tailing” caused by too high temperatures. Containers placed between rocks and flowers can be used to grow aquatic plants such as water lilies and shitake mushrooms in the water, and also play a role in shading.

4, rain

Summer showers and heavy rainstorms should be promptly stamped to prevent rain from entering the basin, damaging water quality and inducing fish diseases.

5, against predators

Frequent attention should be paid to clearing frog eggs and frogs, repelling water birds, and preventing small animals such as cats from invading. In particular, at night or in the absence of care during the day, the containers should be covered with wire mesh to prevent accidental damage.

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