Lily is a generic name for all species of the genus Lilium in the family Liriaceae of the monocotyledonous plant. It is a perennial perennial herbaceous crop, and its underground bulbs are made of many scales and are called "lilies." Lily had a certain cultivation history when he established the flower company in Ninglang County. First introduce the lily cultivation techniques in Ninglang County as follows:

Careful attention should be paid to spotting, mold and insect damage, as well as bulbs with dark scales and dry roots. The bulbs should be fresh, the color should be white, and the bulbs should be properly made.

Second, scientific selection

The selection of a sandy soil plot that has not been planted with lily, eggplant, pepper, onion, leeks, garlic, etc. for more than 2 years and is well-drained and not prone to drought can reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Third, reapply farmyard fertilizer

Replanting basal fertilization is an important measure to win the high yield of lilies. Basal fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, which is mainly full-fledged farmyard manure, and 1000-1500 kg of mature farmyard manure in Mushi, evenly deep into the soil. The soil preparation is tile-backed. For poor soil quality, 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer can be added.

Fourth, scientific work

The width is preferably 100-120 cm, the width is 33 cm, and the depth is 30 cm. The length can be determined by the terrain. However, if the length is too long, the gutter should be added. The gutter width is 40-50 cm and the depth is 30 cm. The ditch is 45-50 cm wide and about 33 cm deep.

Fifth, timely sowing

Select the sunny day, the ball valve will be opened, if found in the ball brown, more lesions should be discarded. Sowing time is from mid-September to late October.

Seeding strains, row spacing, generally 20X30 cm, under normal circumstances, the general mu seed amount 200-225 kg, planting 8000-9000 strains per acre. The depth of sowing is 2-3 times the diameter of the bulb and then covers the soil 7-10 cm thick.

Six, field management

During the entire growth period of lilies, we must conscientiously do a good job of clearing the gutters and drain water to ensure that the gutters are connected and the rain stops without water. When the fields are dry, we can only slowly fill “drift horse water” in the ditch. There must be no water. Underneath, we must abide by the principle of "doing drought rather than defamation." This will not only increase production and ensure quality, but also reduce the occurrence of diseases.

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