Hawthorn can stimulate the spleen and appetizers, promote digestion, promote blood circulation. At the same time Hawthorn contains protein, fat, malic acid, vitamin C, starch, carbohydrates, carotene, tannin, calcium and iron and other substances, with hypolipidemic, blood pressure, strong heart and anti-arrhythmia effects.


Hawthorn has so many benefits. So can pregnant women eat more?

In early pregnancy, women may experience nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, loss of appetite and other early pregnancy reactions. So early in pregnancy, they all love to eat sweet and sour foods. Hawthorn is sweet and sour. Most pregnant women like to eat. Because sourness can stimulate stomach acid, it is conducive to food digestion and nutrient absorption. Increased appetite in pregnant women reduces early pregnancy response.

Even if you can reduce the reaction of early pregnancy, hawthorn should eat less, because the hawthorn has stimulatory effect on the uterus, can make the uterus to contract a lot to eat too many hawthorn products, easy to produce abortion. Pregnant women who love spontaneous abortion or threatened abortion symptoms must not eat hawthorn foods.

Fresh fruit contains sour flavor and is also rich in vitamin C, because vitamin C can enhance the maternal resistance and promote the healthy development of the fetus. Healthy sour foods: such as tomatoes, blue dates, apples, strawberries, grapes, oranges, plums, etc.




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