The Agaricus bisporus has the characteristics of high protein, low fat, high vitamin content, delicious taste, long-term use of the disease, longevity, and the market prospect is very broad. In recent years, the development of Agaricus bisporus is very fast in our county, but in the production of Agaricus bisporus, the production of Agaricus bisporus in our county has not achieved the hope of glory due to the technical level, production management and other reasons. Several key technologies in the production of Agaricus bisporus are summarized as follows:
I. Problems and countermeasures before the winter in the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus
1. Mycelium does not germinate or eat after sowing. After sowing, the mycelium grew poorly, and the strains did not germinate or eat, but only grew on the material surface and appeared atrophy. This is due to temperature, ventilation and improper humidity in the mushroom house. If the surface of the culture material is dry, it may be sprayed with calcium phosphate or potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution; if the material is too wet, the ventilation of the mushroom house shall be strengthened; when the temperature in the mushroom house is high, cooling measures shall be taken to make it reach a suitable temperature. Range; When there is ammonia odor inside the mushroom house, it is necessary to increase the amount of ventilation in time, poke holes in the material surface, and eliminate ammonia.
2. The mycelium grows long after covering the soil. After sowing, the vegetative growth is too prosperous. The villous mycelium grows densely and often emerges to form a dense layer of impervious and airtight “bacterial quilt”. Mainly due to high temperature, high humidity caused mycelium leggy. To prevent mycelium "closure" is the measure when the mycelium grows out of the cover layer, to enhance the ventilation within the mushroom house, reduce the mushroom house temperature, humidity, and timely spray "snagged water" to facilitate the formation of the primordium. Do not spray water too quickly. Spray water when it cools sooner or later. Once the hyphae are found to be long, they must use a knife or bamboo to remove the bacteria.
3. Degradation of the hyphae in the overburden. After 3 to 5 days of soil covering, the hyphae will not appear on the soil, and it will be grayish white and weak. In severe cases, the hyphae will not be seen on the surface of the material, and even the surface will be black, which is caused by the shrinkage of hyphae. The reason is that too much water is sprayed too quickly after covering the soil, resulting in lack of oxygen and making the hyphae suffocate. The water spray should be stopped immediately and the ventilation should be strengthened to facilitate the recovery of creeping mycelium.
4. Thin-skinned mushrooms. In the growth process of fruiting bodies, due to the high temperature, the growth speed of fruiting bodies is fast, and the mushroom density is too large, the nutrient supply is not on, and thin-shelled mushrooms are prone to occur, and the yield is low and the quality is poor. In order to avoid this phenomenon, it is necessary to intensify ventilation during water spraying, increase the thickness of culture materials and soil layers, and strengthen the management of moisture and temperature during fruiting.
5. Hollow mushrooms. Mainly due to improper management of moisture during fruiting. During the mushrooming period, the temperature of the mushroom house is high, the humidity is too low, the water of the mushroom body evaporates quickly, and the rapidly growing fruit body is not supplemented with water, and the white pith is produced in the mushroom shank, and even the stem is hollow. Sometimes due to low temperatures, the fruiting bodies grow slowly and hollow mushrooms form on the surface of the bed due to long residence time. In order to prevent the occurrence of hollow mushrooms, water management should be strengthened during the production of Agaricus bisporus, spray water in a timely manner, and appropriately spray intermittent heavy water, but also pay attention to the regulation of temperature.
6. Open the umbrella hard. When the temperature changes greatly, the temperature difference between day and night is above 10°C, and when the air temperature in the mushroom room is low and the ventilation is excessive, the immature fruiting body is easy to open an umbrella or crack. In order to prevent the early rupture of young mushrooms, when the outside temperature drops, it is necessary to keep the temperature and humidity of the mushroom house stable, and loosen the soil layer, break the old hyphae of the soil layer, promote the germination of new hyphae, and maintain the appropriate water content on the bed.
7. Rusty mushroom. After the fruiting body was unearthed, brown rust spots were produced on the surface of the cap, which did not grow into the bacteria but reduced the quality of the mushroom. The reason is that the water has not been ventilated after spraying. As the air humidity is too high, the water on the surface of the mushroom evaporates slowly and small droplets appear on the surface. Over time, brown rust spots appear. The air of the mushroom room should be kept fresh, and the spray should be promptly ventilated and dampened.
Second, the management technology of Agaricus bisporus wintering
1. When the burrowing fungus bed is overwintering, it should first perform a burping measure on the fungal bed to improve the air permeability of the bacterium bed, the bad gases in the bacterium cloud bed, and the metabolites of the harmful mycelium. Mycelium gains the opportunity to rejuvenate. Snoring requirements and practices: Use bamboo sticks or sharpened sticks or pointed steel bars to poke holes upwards from the bottom of the bed of bacteria. The hole distance is 12 to 15 cm. It is advisable to loosen the soil to loosen the floor. Cover the membrane to prevent the upper culture from falling into the lower bed.
2. Spray water top dressing The climate in winter is dry. The water in the bacteria bed is still slowly evaporating. In order to prevent the bacteria bed from drying out and affecting the normal metabolic activity of the hyphae, the mushroom house should generally adopt the wet wintering method. In the mushroom house that has been used for the winter, the water content of the mushroom bed should be checked during the winter, and the moisture should be taken care of. If necessary, water should be sprayed properly. In the winter, mushroom house spray should be matched with topdressing and no water should be sprayed. If the growth of mycelium is weak, you can spray Jianjinsu and 1% grape water, or 0.25% urea plus 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate to spray water. If the growth of mycelium is normal, pigs, cattle, and human urine dilutions should be good, and water spray should be appropriate at noon on sunny days. Room temperature below 0 °C should not be topdressing to prevent mycelium from freezing damage. During the winter, spray 1 to 2 times of 2% lime solution to adjust the pH of the soil.
3. Insulation and ventilation In winter, the temperature is low, and the viability of mycelium is significantly weakened. In order to maintain the slow growth of mycelium, the mushroom house must strengthen the insulation work. The temperature should be 3 ~ 4 °C, and should pay attention to a little ventilation.
4. Bacterial bed preparation The bed preparation includes soil loosening, old root removal, reject removal, and soil fill. Before finishing the bacteria bed, it is necessary to stop the water and increase the ventilation so that the fine soil moisture can be dried up, so that it is not easy to crush the soil when the loose soil is turned, and it is completed on a bed-by-bed basis. Combine water spray, top dressing, and cover fine soil after finishing. In addition, do a good job mushroom house, the ground to keep clean, the ground to remove lime powder, the walls can be plastered with lime 1 time. The insecticide solution was sprayed every 20 days to reduce the number of wintering diseases and insects. Until the coming spring, control the temperature and adjust the water, so as to stabilize the high yield.

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