Rice rotting is a general term for rotten seed, rotten buds and dead seedlings that occur in the seedling stage and can be divided into two categories, physiological and infectious. Physiological bacillary dysentery is mainly caused by mistakes or maladjustment of low temperature and management measures in the field. Infectious rancidity is caused by pathogen infestation. The main diseases are rice rot, rice spoilage disease, and rice blast disease.
According to the different symptoms, contagious rot can be divided into blue and dry type. Green and dry type dead seedlings, the heart suddenly wilting rolls into a tube, and then the lower leaves quickly lose wilting roll, until the whole plant was stained green and withered, the diseased plant roots were dark, root hair scarce. Yellow dry dead seedlings, starting from the lower leaves, gradually yellow from the tip to the leaf base, the upper leaves spread to the heart leaves, and finally the plant base becomes brown and softened until the whole plant is yellow-brown and dead. The roots of the diseased plants are dark and the root hairs become scarce and the roots are easily pulled up.
Prevention measures
1. Appropriate sowing and sowing requires the daily average temperature to be stable above 12°C, and it is easy to cause rancidity when the average temperature is lower than 12°C or low temperature lasts more than 4 days. Grasp the weather of the cold-tail warmer, grab the sunny day, sow well after the broadcast, use double-film insulation and cold-proof measures. After sowing, only 3 to 5 sunny days after sowing, and then the cold wave will not be easily affected.
2. The whole Putian Putian should be arranged in a field with moderate fertility, slightly elevated terrain, abundant sunshine, and easy irrigation and drainage. Fine soil preparation after plowing, leveling the bed.
3. The principle of rational fertilization and fertilization is based foot fat, top dressing should be repeated several times, first light after thick. Human fecal urine as the base fertilizer must first be fermented and decomposed, and the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied proportionally.
4, The scientific sprouting period is mainly rooted in seedlings, keeping the surface of the bed moist and not flooding, and it is not advisable to pass the water in the morning to ensure that oxygen is needed to prevent the buds from becoming protracted. In case of cold waves, irrigation of deep water came. 2, 3 leaves sunny day, corresponding to deepen the water layer does not flood the top. After the 3rd leaf, a shallow water layer was established and it was drained after a long period of rain.
5. Chemical control If infected rotten paradoxes are found, bactericides are mainly used. 70% enemy can be used 1 ~ 1.2 kg / 667 square meters mixed with the cover soil, or 800 times the liquid 40 ~ 50 kg / 667 square meters trampoline spray to prevent blight. Before sowing, rice was sprayed with 50% dexamethasamine EC 700-800 times to prevent early dead seedlings, and the seedling maintenance rate could reach 90% to 99%. In the seedling stage, if bamboo rot occurs, it can be shallowly irrigated or drained to dryness. Spray 1,000 kg of copper sulfate per 667 square meters for 60 kg; or put copper sulfate 0.1-0.2 per 667 square meters at the inlet. Kilograms so that it melts slowly into the water with Sakata. Wet brooming occurs in wet or dry nursery fields, and irrigation can be performed sooner or later. In a single-leaf period, spraying with 70% enemy liquid 1000 times can prevent the expansion of dead seedlings.

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