Autumn is from the beginning of autumn to the beginning of winter 3 months, autumn is characterized by heat to cold, Yang Xiao Yin long. Therefore, health care in the fall must follow the principle of “relying on income”. Dietary care should focus on moisturizing and replenishing Qi, and spleen-invigorating, liver-clearing and clearing the lungs should be the main content. Here are some ways to eat in the fall.

Fruit health method

The dry climate in autumn often makes the nose and throat dry and uncomfortable. At this time, if you can eat some fruits thirst, throat throat to dry fruit, make people feel refreshed and comfortable.

Fruits with health care and medical properties this season are pears and sugar cane. According to traditional Chinese medicine, pears have functions such as thirst, cough and phlegm, heat-clearing and fire-reducing, nourishing and strengthening muscles, and moistening the lungs to dryness, which are most suitable for patients with fever and internal heat in winter and spring. Especially suitable for hyperactivity cough, pediatric wind-heat, throat sore throat, and dry stool syndrome. Pears also have the effect of lowering blood pressure and sedating heat.

Sugar cane has nourishing heat and is rich in nutrients. As a cool tonic, it has a certain effect on hypoglycemia, dry stool, adverse urination, nausea and vomiting, hypothermic cough and high fever and polydipsia. People who are overworked or hungry and dizzy, as long as they eat two cane will refresh their spirits. However, due to the cold nature of pears and sugar cane, it is unfit for humans to have stomach and abdominal pain.

In addition, apples suitable for autumn and winter, apples, bananas, oranges, hawthorn and so on.

Tea therapy regimen

The tea therapy is simple, it can not only maintain health but also cure diseases. In recent years, the nutrient components and pharmacological effects in tea have been discovered by people, and its health functions and prevention and treatment of diseases have been affirmed. In the autumn, if you can choose the appropriate treatment based on your own physical fitness, it will be beneficial to promote health and enhance physical fitness.

1, radish tea

100 grams of white radish, 5 grams of tea, add a small amount of salt, first wash the white radish slices boiled, add a little salt seasoning (do not put MSG), then brew 5 minutes after the water into the radish juice and take it, every day 2 times indiscriminately, there are heat and phlegm, qi appetizing power, apply to cough more, satisfied food is not fragrant.

2, Jiang Su tea

Ginger and sago leaves each 3 grams, cut the ginger into filaments, wash the sage leaves, and brew with boiled water for 10 minutes on behalf of the tea. Daily 2 doses, 1 serving each in the morning and afternoon. It has the functions of dispelling wind, dispersing cold, regulating qi and stomach, and it is suitable for chills, headaches and fever, or nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and stomach discomfort. This side uses a pharmaceutic tea, which is less odor and more refined, practical and simple.

3, white fungus tea

Tremella 20 grams, tea 5 grams, rock sugar 20 grams. Wash the white fungus first with water and rock sugar (do not use white sugar); stew the tea for 5 minutes and then add it to the white fungus soup. Stir it evenly. There are nourishing yin to reduce the fire, lungs and cough of the power for yin deficiency cough.

4, orange tea

Orange 3-6 grams, green tea 5 grams. Boil with boiling water and put it in a pot for 20 minutes. Daily 1 dose to drink at any time, there is Runfei eliminate phlegm; qi and cough power, suitable for many autumn cough, sticky and cough uncomfortable disease.

Fruit Single Packed Sweet Corn

What are the benefits of eating a vegetarian diet on a regular basis?
1. People who eat vegetarian food regularly will live longer than those who eat meat regularly, as Indian tribesmen live longer because of their regular vegetarian diet and many monks live longer because of their regular vegetarian diet. The fat content of sweet corn is 2 grams of fat per 100 grams, making it a low-fat product.
A single cob pack of sweet corn from Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. is at least 220g and will provide you with at least 6.38g of protein and 4.4g of fat.
2. Corn as a vegetarian food is lower in calories than other foods of the same quality, and its fat content is almost non-existent. It provides the body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs and has no energy stores.
3. Reduces cholesterol levels. Vegetarians have less cholesterol in their blood than meat eaters. If cholesterol levels in the blood are too high, it often causes blood vessels to become clogged.
4. It reduces the burden on the kidneys. Once meat eaters eat meat containing animal blood, the burden on the kidneys is even heavier".


Single Packed Sweet Corn Cob

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