It is common for rice to be boiled and boiled and then boiled with cold water. However, in fact, the right thing to do is to boil the water and cook it with boiling water. So what are the benefits of doing this?

It is common for rice to be boiled and boiled and then boiled with cold water. However, in fact, the right thing to do is to boil the water and cook it with boiling water. So what are the benefits of doing this?

Cooking with boiling water can shorten the cooking time and protect the vitamins in rice. Since the starch granules are insoluble in cold water, starch only absorbs moisture and expands, breaks, and becomes pastey when the water temperature is above 60°C.

Rice contains large amounts of starch. When boiled in boiled water, the temperature is about 100°C (the boiling point of water). This kind of temperature can quickly cook the rice and shorten the cooking time, preventing the vitamins in the rice from being damaged due to prolonged high-temperature heating. .

Burning the water will volatilize the chlorine, avoiding the destruction of vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 is the most important nutrient component in rice. Its main function is to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. If it is lacking, the nervous system will be affected, and it is prone to fatigue, loss of appetite, limb weakness, muscle aches, beriberi, edema, Heart rhythm disorders, intractable insomnia and other symptoms.

The tap water we normally use is chlorinated. If the water is used directly for cooking, the chlorine in the water will largely destroy the vitamin B1 in the rice. When boiled in boiled water, chlorine has evaporated with water vapor, which greatly reduces the loss of vitamin B1 and other B vitamins.

Since ancient times, China has been convinced that grain is the principle of nutrition, and modern nutrition science has also confirmed that only by eating enough complex carbohydrates can we maintain long-term health. For the Chinese, rice is one of the main sources of complex carbohydrates. It not only provides nutrition for the human body, but also contributes to the body's self-protection and disease prevention...

Many surveys at home and abroad have found that the total amount of food consumed is inversely proportional to the risk of chronic diseases; however, a survey conducted in Hong Kong found that the amount of white rice eaten is positively correlated with the risk of diabetes. Some U.S. investigations also found similar findings. Obviously, if you can't eat rice wisely, you may cause yourself trouble.

Things to watch out for when you wash rice

Miri contains vitamins and inorganic salts, which are particularly soluble in water. If you take rice time so long - all five minutes, but also so hard to wash rice, rice's surface nutrition are all lost! And rice's nutrition is mainly on the surface it. Simply put, if you want to keep rice nutrients, you must remember when washing rice: Do not wash rice with running water and hot water, do not stir and mix rice, do not brew rice with water, and use less water when you are scouring.

Then cook the rice. You do not worry, cooking also said: Tao finished rice immediately boiled, rice bubble for a long time, there is a kind of nutrients called riboflavin rice will be a lot of loss, protein, fat, what more or less follow loss. So you can cook it now.

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