Summer and autumn tomato high-yield anti-virus cultivation is a key measure in the production of vegetables. To promote the development of urban vegetable production, the following briefly introduces its technical points:

First, prepare basal fertilizer, fertilizer should fully decay fermentation

Generally, ten thousand kilograms of tomatoes are produced per mu. Attention should be paid to the addition of 10,000 kg of high-quality ring fertilizer (fresh chicken manure) or 1500-2000 kg of cake fertilizer. Fertilizer should be fermented under high temperature conditions, and the fertilizer should be packaged before cooking. Inside.

Second, choose a good variety, carefully disinfect the treatment, start from time to time, live seedlings, cover wheat stubble.

The best variety is Maofen 802. Before sowing, use 10% trisodium phosphate to soak seeds for 20 minutes and rinse with water. Get up to 15 cm high and 60 cm wide, live broadcast every two lines, plant spacing 37 cm, 8-10 seeds per hole, 1 cm after the reconstructed earthworm cover 2-3 cm thick, to prevent drought and high temperatures. After the emergence of the cotyledon, the seedlings can be planted, and the velvet hairless plants can be separated, leaving many seedlings with velvet hairs, and 1-2 true leaves can be seeded.

Third, shading rain, drought-proof pouring water, spraying CSC.

After sowing, shade coverings such as shading nets or sparse corn stalks can be placed on the shed film to prevent hot and drought. Pay attention to proper pouring of small water, so that the soil moisture content of about 16-18%, and pay attention to spray 3-4 times of 1000PPM chlormequat. The entire seedling period should avoid contact with rain and seedlings.

Fourth, the whole good branches, leaving enough ears, good fruits and vegetables. (single dry pruning, plastic rope hanging vines)

Tomatoes prone to nutrition, should pay attention to early removal, leaving 4-5 ears per plant, leaving 2-3 fruit per ear, should pay attention to the amount of 2,4-D flower (each 0.8-1 kg watered) , to prevent excessive use of drugs.

Fifth, drug protection

First, the virus disease can be used 500 times the number of anti-virus one, virus A, phytosanitary three drugs alternately applied, once every 7-10 days, while spraying anti-viral drugs should pay attention to the prevention and control of whiteflies and aphids. The second is the application of Bamran nutritional protection liquid to prevent the occurrence of other diseases.

Sixth, late management

The first is to pay attention to moderately mild temperatures. The ground temperature should not exceed 26 °C, and the temperature should not exceed 30 °C. If the temperature is too high, it should be cooled by means of shading, spraying water and ventilation. The second is to pay attention to timely fertilizer and pouring water. Topdressing watering can not be too early, we must pay attention to the first ear fruit has walnut, two ear fruit has round date big, three ear fruit blossoming, top dressing and pouring water. Before this, it is advisable to use small water. The third is the prevention of drought in the early stage, and it can be poured 1-2 times a month. The fourth is Bamlan nutrient solution with chlorothalonil or carbendazim or thiophanate once every 10-15 days for disease prevention. The fifth is to pay attention to insulation and increase carbon dioxide. If the temperature is too low, it is easy to get late blight and blight, must pay attention to keep the temperature at 25-30 °C, and avoid pouring too much water, reduce ground temperature caused by low temperature disease, during this period to increase the carbon dioxide In two or three months, it will help increase production. Sixth, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of Tianyuan Liquid Fertilizer, Chad Music, Liguomei, Green Star, and Penshibao during the fruit expansion period, spraying once every 7-10 days, and spraying 2-3 times.

Late autumn tomato cultivation, in order to facilitate the post-insulation, in addition to paying attention to the above points, but also pay attention to the length of its arch shed more than 40 meters, and the use of high-quality non-drip agricultural film.

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