I believe that many people use diet to lose weight, because it can meet the desire to eat, but also to achieve the effect of weight loss. Then do you know that red beans can lose weight? Today Xiaobian introduced several red bean diet recipes to everyone. Help everyone eat weight loss.

Red bean diet recipes


Red bean 100G, mung bean 100G, hawthorn 30G, Longshan Changshen 6G, jujube 10 pieces


First soak the red beans and green beans in the water for 2 hours, then put all the ingredients into the water pot, add 1000ML cold water, and cook until the red beans are boiled.

Eat: Add honey or rock sugar can be, do not put too much, slightly sweet, can be used as a meal to eat.


To eat hot, the effect is the best, can not be eaten in a bowl, sealed with plastic wrap, put it in the refrigerator, when you want to eat, use the microwave to heat it.

Each time the amount used is stressful, it is red bean 50G, mung bean 50G, hawthorn 15G, Longshan Changshen 3G, jujube 5, but in order to save, you can cook every day, divided into two, one at night, plus one outside Eat in the morning.

Weight loss breakfast and dinner arrangements


The first thing after getting up every day is to drink a glass of honey water. Pour one tablespoon of honey and 1/4 of a spoonful of white vinegar in 250 ml of warm water. Can promote gastrointestinal motility and accelerate detoxification. Then eat red bean soup you can do well.

Chinese food:

Basically do not eat in the morning, the stomach should be very hungry, so you can drink a cup of skim yogurt at 10 o'clock. You can eat two apples to fight hunger in the afternoon of noon.


Eat red bean soup before 7 o'clock and never eat anything afterwards.


Many people feel uncomfortable not eating at lunch. Actually it's just diet control. If you really can't stand it, you can eat a little fat and eat vegetables.

100G rice, eat an apple in the afternoon to make up the meal.

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