In order to ensure good health, the middle-aged and the elderly have to rely on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine for the purpose of strengthening their physical fitness.


Juvenile long bones, young long meat, middle-aged long-necked. This is the law of human growth and development. In order to prevent body fat gain, middle-aged people should pay attention to eat less high-fat and high-sugar foods in addition to regular exercise. At the same time, do not eat too much at dinner, generally full of 50%.


As the saying goes, "The old tree is old and the old is old." In middle age, people often feel heavy legs, backache and leg pain, and therefore do not love sports. This shows that aging has come quietly. To this end, middle-aged people should not be lazy, and they must often engage in some sports and physical activities that are within their capabilities according to their own physical and working conditions. It is also a good exercise to do some housework properly.

Avoid labor

Middle-aged people shoulder work and family burdens, and the human body can withstand external pressure is limited. If it exceeds a certain limit, it will be overworked. Therefore, middle-aged people should keep in mind: Do not overwork.


In order to avoid premature aging, middle-aged people can only be sentimental and can not have much desire. Excessive sexual intercourse can damage your life and affect your health. Some middle-aged people rely on "aphrodisiac drugs" to seek extravagance, which is tantamount to self-mutilation.


When all diseases are born of qi and gas, it is easy to evolve into a harmful factor that causes disease. Therefore, middle-aged people must not be angry and angry. It should be borne in mind: "The complaints are too strong to prevent the intestines from breaking down, and the scenery should be long-ranged."


Middle-aged people who work or because of the family have too much ideological burden and are easily sentimental. This kind of emotion can easily cause people to age. To this end, middle-aged people must learn how to solve the problem, take it easy, and don't move on.


Some middle-aged people often drink too much, no food on the day to eat unpalatable. As everyone knows, excessive intake of alcohol can damage liver function and affect the health of the kidneys, spleen, and digestive system. For this reason, middle-aged people are advised to abstain from drinking. When they are not allowed to drink, they should drink some low-alcohol drinks, or use tea or juice instead.

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