Villagers can't live without sunlight, air, and fertilizer. In the past, the fertilizers used by the villagers included compound fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and organic-inorganic compound fertilizers. Microbial fertilizers, as a newly-developed fertilizer in the past two years, were gradually recognized by villagers and began to be used. Many villagers did not understand the microorganisms. fertilizer. Today, Dr. Ji Dong, a doctor of microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and chief engineer of Yuanhe Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., asked the villagers.

Microbial fertilizers are fertilizers that have been added with live microorganisms that have been expanded industrially. Through the life activities of microorganisms, the crops increase their nutrient supply to increase production. The main characteristic of microbial fertilizers is that living organisms are contained inside. According to the types and quantities of living microorganisms and fertilizer nutrient, they can be divided into three categories: microbial agents, bio-organic fertilizers and compound microbial fertilizers.

The first category is called microbial inoculum, which is based on the number of effective viable cells. At present, bacteria commonly used in China include nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, potassium-releasing bacteria, and Bacillus subtilis; It is a bio-organic fertilizer. The standard to consider is the content of organic matter, which must be equal to or greater than 25%. The effective number of viable cells should be equal to or greater than 20 million. This type of product can combine the effects of organic and biological fertilizers. The third category is called compound microbial fertilizer, the main criteria considered is that NPK nutrients should be equal to or greater than 25%, and its effective viable bacteria should be equal to or greater than 20 million.

Excessive use of chemical fertilizers has caused soil compaction, decreased soil fertility, decreased quality of agricultural products, increased nitrate content, and indirectly caused a decline in the quality of agricultural products. Microbial fertilizers can precisely solve this problem. He produces organic acids through his own life activities, making it difficult The potassium fertilizer of phosphate fertilizer is released and used for crops. At the same time, the activity of microorganisms improves the balance of the plant roots, improves the structure of the soil pellet, makes the soil water and nutrients, and increases soil fertility. These are not comparable to chemical fertilizers.

The main difference between microbial fertilizers and organic fertilizers is the number of viable bacteria. Although organic fertilizers also contain certain organic matter, they can also play an important role in improving the soil structure. However, no target microorganisms are added, no activated soil is available, and fixed phosphorus and potassium are activated. The effect, therefore, is not as effective as microbial fertilizers.

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