With the gradual listing of peaches, everyone who loves to eat peaches can enjoy their food. Peach is a kind of fruit with high nutritional value. It is known as "the best fruit in the world" and "beauty king" because of its beautiful fruit shape, sweet flesh and juicy flavor.

Chinese medicine believes that peach sweet and sour, warm, stomach, large intestine; with Yin, Sheng Jin, Runzao Huoxue efficacy; Indications summer thirst, constipation, dysmenorrhea, consumptive cough, spontaneous perspiration. The ancients said: "Peach is the fruit of the lungs." Therefore, patients with lung diseases should eat, and can be used as an auxiliary dietary therapy for people who are ashamed.

Peach contains high levels of iron, which is almost the highest in fruits, and has an adjuvant effect on iron deficiency anemia in children and women. In 100 grams of fresh peaches, there are 202 milligrams of potassium and only 1 milligram of sodium. This is beneficial to patients with edema, diuretic swelling; peaches contain more organic acids and cellulose, can promote the secretion of digestive juices, increase gastrointestinal motility, thereby increasing appetite. Therefore, it is appropriate for people with anemia, edema, and poor appetite and weak digestion to eat peaches.

Although peaches are delicious, they should not be eaten. Li Shizhen once said: "Peach has a lot of food and it is bloated and debilitating, which is detrimental to no good." The following four categories are best to eat less or not eat peaches:

1. People who are prone to overheating and are prone to sore boils should not eat too much.

2. It is best not to feed peaches to infants and young children. Because peaches contain large amounts of macromolecules, infants have poor gastrointestinal dialysis capabilities and cannot digest these substances, which can easily cause allergic reactions.

3. Patients who are physically weak and sick, and patients with too weak gastrointestinal function are unfit for human consumption because it will increase the burden on the stomach.

4. People who are allergic to eating peach, of course, have to resist temptation.

Visual Training Equipment

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