Site preparation

Requires uniform ridge spacing, flat ridges, fine soil, and no debris. The ridge distance is 100 centimeters, and the spacing is 50 centimeters. There are 20,000 preserved seedlings in hectares.

Timely planting

Film film tobacco should be planted in due time, effectively using accumulated temperature, generally from May 1st to 10th. When you plant tobacco, you need to drench the bottom water.

Covering film

Immediately after planting, it will be covered with a film to facilitate warming. When laminating the film, the film should be stretched tightly and compacted to ensure airtightness. After the film is covered, the soil is pressed on both sides of the mulch by using a large plough for 1 time.

Field management

After the planting, the film shall be continuously inspected. If there is ventilation, the area shall be compacted in time to avoid running lice and breeding weeds.

When the temperature in the seedling film reached 38°C and continued for more than 3 hours, the perforation was made on the top of the membrane in a timely manner to reduce the temperature of ventilation. In the absence of frost, 60% of the tobacco seedlings were carried out on the apical membrane. The tobacco seedlings were led out of the membrane and roots were well-rooted with soil, and then the membrane was sealed with fine soil. If it is found that the tobacco seedlings are de-fertilized, the seedlings can be fertilized with water.

Remove the film when the flue-cured tobacco grows to the age of the group. Remove the film to weeding, soil cultivation at the same time, and then use a large rake rake 1 times.

Because of the high soil temperature in the mulching tobacco field, the nutrient decomposition is fast and the tobacco plant grows well. The amount of fertilizer needed is large. In order to ensure the nutritional requirements of the tobacco plants, according to the growing trend after uncovering the film, the extra-root fertilizer was conducted in the prosperous period. Urea 2.25 kg per hectare was dissolved in 187.5 kg of water for spraying.

shovel soil cultivation film to achieve two shovels two three earths. In other words, once the film is removed, the ridge ditch is used to raise the temperature and disperse the cold. After the film is removed, the soil is hoeed and hoeed. Simultaneously, the cultivating soil should reach a height of 25 cm or more.

Emergency Blanket/sleeping Bag/emergency Tents

Dongguan City Risen Medical Products Co., Ltd. ,