The best way to use the tumbler:

1. Rolling speed: The rolling machine is constantly rotating, turning the meat in the barrel. The speed is suitable to ensure the best efficiency of the rolling product. Under normal circumstances, we recommend to rotate the speed between 10-12 rpm. However, it is mobilized according to the needs of different products.

2. The load of the tumbler: When the tumbler is rotating, if the amount of meat in the same is too much, the rotation will be greatly affected, the mixing will be uneven, etc. If the amount of meat in the barrel is too small, It can lead to excessive rolling, resulting in meat quality damage, and the cost of consumption increases. We recommend about 60% of the full barrel load, and the tumbler floats up and down between 5%, depending on the density of the meat.

3. Rolling indirect: In the process of rolling production, continuous rolling is not necessary, and it is a painful right. Due to the vacuum rental, the indirect time of the product is different, it is usually recommended to roll for 20 minutes and rest for 5-10 minutes.

4. Rolling time: The total rolling time is very important for product uniformity and standardization. Once a program that produces a standardized product is adopted, the program or rollover cycle should remain the same.

5. Temperature control: Some experts believe that a better bacon color can be obtained in a warmer environment. However, considering the shelf life, safety and yield of the product, it is best to roll at 2-4 ° C. When the product is rolled at 8 ° C or higher, the bonding strength, yield and slicing of the product will be Significant decline, we should put quality in the first place.

6. Vacuum: Vacuum plays an important role in the tumbler. Vacuum ensures rapid penetration of salt water into the meat and helps to remove air bubbles from the meat. The vacuum expands the meat pieces to achieve a certain tenderness. The vacuum in the tank is usually drawn to 70% to 80% of an atmospheric pressure. However, if the degree of vacuum is too high, it is counterproductive because the moisture in the meat pieces is extracted under high vacuum.

7. Rolling direction: The tumbler should push gently, massage, lift, curl and drop the meat to achieve the best results. The equipment should have a reversal function, which should be reversed during the last 5 minutes of the rolling cycle before unloading. The tumbler removes the meat and protein from the back of the roller fin.

When using the tumbler, you can control the rolling effect of the meat by grasping the speed and direction. So, how to grasp the rotation speed and direction of the tumbler?

The tumble speed controls the ability of the meat piece to fall within the tumbler. According to different types of products, it is generally controlled at 8--12r/min. In addition, the tumbler should gently push, massage, lift and drop the meat to achieve a better rolling effect. The operation of the tumbler should not be carried out continuously. The general method is to adopt the process of intermittent rolling, which allows the equipment to run for a period of time, then stop for a period of time, and repeatedly run like this (in the middle, let the meat "rest") until the expected rolling揉 effect. If the equipment has a reversal function, it can also be carried out by a positive-reverse-stop intermittent rolling process, mainly to avoid the rise of meat temperature caused by friction, and also to make the structure of the meat less susceptible to damage.

In fact, many things are skillful. As long as you master these skills, things will become very easy and simple. Mastering the skills of the tumbler will not only make the rolling effect better, but also increase the taste of the meat. .