High-speed and ultra-centrifuges are important precision equipment for biochemical experimental teaching and biochemical research. Due to their high rotational speed, large centrifugal force, improper use or lack of regular maintenance and maintenance, serious accidents may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to use centrifuges. Strictly follow the operating procedures.
1. When using various centrifuges, the centrifuge tube and its contents must be precisely balanced on the balance beforehand. The difference in weight should not exceed the range specified in each centrifuge instruction. Each centrifuge has different rotors. For the respective allowable difference, the singular tube must not be loaded in the rotor. When the rotor is only partially loaded, the tubes must be placed symmetrically in the rotor so that the load is evenly distributed around the rotor.
2. When loading the solution, according to the specific operation instructions of various centrifuges, select the appropriate centrifuge tube according to the nature and volume of the liquid to be centrifuged. Some centrifuge tubes have no cover, and the liquid should not be packed too much to prevent centrifugation. Pulling out, causing the rotor to be unbalanced, rusted or corroded, and the centrifuge tube of the preparative ultracentrifuge often requires that the liquid must be filled to avoid deformation of the upper portion of the plastic centrifuge tube during centrifugation. After each use, the rotor must be carefully inspected, cleaned and dried in time. The rotor is the key component of the centrifuge that must be protected. When moving, be careful not to collide and avoid causing scars. Apply a layer of glazing protection. Never use a centrifuge tube that is significantly deformed, damaged or aged.
3. To centrifuge at temperatures below room temperature. The rotor should be placed in the refrigerator or pre-cooled in the rotor room of the centrifuge before use.
4. During the process of centrifugation, do not leave at random. You should always observe whether the instrument on the centrifuge is working normally. If there is abnormal sound, stop it immediately and check it out in time.
5. When each rotor has its maximum allowable speed and usage limit, please refer to the manual when using the rotor, and do not use it too fast. Each turn must have a use file to record the accumulated use time. If it exceeds the maximum use limit of the turn, it must be used at the reduced speed.