In recent years, there have been many applications of fertilizers, poor growth of crops, and declining quality of agricultural products in many places. Through the practice in the Guanzhong region, long-term use of chemical fertilizers has resulted in the consolidation of soil. The key to scientific fertilization is the combination of chemical fertilizers and farmyard fertilizers to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and improve soil microbial activity, thereby improving the quality of agricultural products. It is recommended that the masses scientifically apply fertilizer and not blindly apply fertilizer. Should do the following:

First, how to fertilize farmyard manure The biggest advantage is that the nutrient is comprehensive, the content is low, and the nutrients are released slowly. Therefore, it should be applied early and it is usually applied one time before sowing. The nutrient content of fertilizer is high, the amount is small, and the effect is quick, generally it should be Crops absorb nutrients during the peak period of 7 days.

Application method: farmyard fertilizer should be used in conjunction with chemical fertilizers. Farmyard fertilizers are applied in combination with deep plowing into soil tillage, or ridging into ridge bottom; when used with farmyard fertilizers, 30% of fertilizer (nitrogen fertilizer) is used as base fertilizer and 70% is used as top dressing. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were input once.

Second, what fertilizer crops at the end of the fertilizer should be based on organic fertilizer, with the appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other fertilizers. Generally 5000 kg of fertilizer per 667 square meters is equivalent to 5 squares, 15 kg of urea or 40 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 10 kg of phosphoric acid diamine or 40 kg of superphosphate (12% content), potassium chloride 5-7.5 kg or ash 50-75 kg. The upper-middle-fertilizer base fertilizer can be applied to 3000 kg, 15-20 kg of urea or 40-50 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 15-20 kg of diammonium phosphate, or 50-60 kg of superphosphate.

Third, how to scientifically fertilize the crop nutrient imbalance not only lead to crop diseases, but also affect the quality and safety of agricultural products, the quality of agricultural products is not high and poor fertilization have a great relationship, in particular, partial nitrogen fertilizer increased the occurrence of diseases, the implementation of soil testing and formula fertilization Technology can balance crop reproductive growth and vegetative growth, promote robust crop growth, and improve and improve the quality of agricultural products. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer will increase the nitrate content of crops and decrease the quality index. The appropriate application of potash fertilizer can significantly increase the sugar and vitamin C content of vegetables and fruits. The scientific application of iron, manganese and zinc fertilizers can improve agricultural products.

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