Three days are the hottest and humid, hot days of the year. A blink of an eye is in the middle of the volt. The temperature is rising, and various health problems are coming one after another. The heat and heat has become the focus of our prevention. Then in the daily life, there are foods that can cool off the heat, today Xiaobian will tell you about the first melon that is suitable for eating on the sky - loofah!

Nutritional value of loofah

Loofah is rich in nutrients, including: protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber, calcium ion, phosphorus ion, iron ion, citrulline, riboflavin, vitamin B, vitamin C, and loofah saponin.

Loofah saponin can play the role of puzzle, nourish brain cells and brain; vitamin B can nourish nerves, regulate substance metabolism, promote body regulation, etc. Vitamin C can resist oxidation, resist free radicals and play an anti-aging role. To make the skin white.


What are the benefits of eating loofah in three days?


Loofah contains the ingredients contained in ginseng - saponin, also contains very high nutritional value - rich in vitamins, minerals, plant mucus, xylose and other substances, very suitable for edible food, summer heat and anti-dry. The newly bought loofah, whether it is to make broth, or to make ribs and chicken soup, can remove oil and greasy, which makes people appetite. When it's hot, the cold gourd is best.

Clearing heat and cooling blood

Loofah is cool and sweet, and the loofah is cold and cool in food properties. After eating, it has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, removing phlegm and detoxifying. It is suitable for people who are hot and thirsty during fever, and who are hot and dry in summer.

Eating loofah can clear away heat and detoxification. It is cold in nature and can remove the heat poison accumulated in the human body. It can also add a lot of water to the human body. The toxins in the body can be excreted with sweat and urine. Regular consumption can play a good heat-clearing and detoxification. It can prevent the occurrence of many kinds of fire symptoms in humans.


Flat asthma

Loofah can be described as a "good helper" for clearing heat and purging fire in the summer. Chinese medicine believes that loofah is cold, sweet, and enters the liver and stomach. It has the effects of cooling the intestines, removing phlegm and removing blood stasis, cooling blood and detoxifying. In addition, if you have cough and cough, breast milk, fever, polydipsia, etc., you may also try to eat loofah to assist treatment.

It should be noted that loofah is cold and cold. If you eat too much, it may cause diarrhea in the celestial sinus. Therefore, people who are chronically ill, weak in the spleen and stomach, and easily digested are still less likely to eat.


Beauty skin care

Loofah juice is known as "beauty water". It is often used to cleanse the skin, remove skin oil, moisturize, moisturize skin, remove fine wrinkles and improve rough and dry wrinkles. The practice of loofah juice: peeled loofah, washed, cooked, chopped, and then put into the fruit and vegetable processing machine, add the right amount of water, whipped into juice.

Usually eat more loofah can whiten, summer temperature, strong sunlight, people's skin is very easy to get hurt, it is easy to get dark, but usually eat more loofah, you can reduce these symptoms, because the loofah can not only hydrate, but also Provides a multi-vitamin for the skin, also inhibits melanin deposition, and has excellent whitening effect.

Enhance immunity

Loofah contains interferon inducer, which can stimulate the body to produce interferon, and the content of vitamin C and plant protein in loofah is also high, which promotes the synthesis of immune proteins in human body and enhances the immune function of the human body.

Protect the liver

Loofah also has the effect of protecting the liver. In ancient times, if someone had a liver problem, they would choose to eat loofah to protect the liver. This is because the liver is the body's largest detoxification organ, and the loofah has a detoxifying effect. When the loofah enters the human body, it can reduce the burden of the fresh soil. To protect the liver.

Xi'an Healthway Biotech Co.,Ltd ,