After potato tubers are dormant, the buds can germinate at 4°C, and the temperature of 12°C to 18°C ​​is the most suitable. At this time, the roots occur early, and the number is large and the buds are strong. Stem elongation, stolon formation, and leaf expansion require higher temperatures. The enlargement of tubers requires lower nighttime temperatures, with an optimum of 12°C to 14°C. The increase in nighttime temperatures reduces the transport of sugar to tubers and slows them down. The optimum soil temperature for tuber enlargement is 16°C~18°C; when the soil temperature is above 25°C, the nutrients transferred to the tubers are not used for accumulation, but are used for the growth of buds. Especially in the case of high soil temperature and drought, buds often sprout. At a soil temperature of 18°C ​​to 23°C and a water holding capacity of 60% to 70%, tubers can grow 5 grams during the day and 1 gram at night.

Potato germination requires dark growth, light inhibits shoot elongation, promotes thickening, hardening of tissues, and pigmentation. In the seedling stage and the hair growth stage, long daylight is beneficial to the growth of stems and leaves and the occurrence of stolons. The period of potato is suitable for short days and the speed of sweet potato is faster. In the 12 hours of sunlight, the speed of transport of sugar to tubers was 5 times faster than in 19 hours of sunlight.

Potatoes require loose soil permeability during the hair growth period, and later require the soil to see dry, wet, often to maintain the soil loose air state. The growth of tubers requires that soil oxygen supply is most important.

Goji berries seed containing all the nutrition goji berries root, leaf, fruit essence. By the scientific research, Goji seed oil besides contains linoleic acid, alphalinolenic acid, gamma linolenic acid, vitamin E, selenium, also contain a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, biological active substances, epidermal growth factor, SOD, beta-carotene and other nutrients. With fatigue, regulating blood lipid, protect liver, enhance immunity, beauty to raise colour, such as health care function, is expensive health care keeping in good health treasures, and often take can anti-aging, prolong life of preserve one's health.

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