High fiber diet helps mice fight flu virus

May 21, 2018 Source: Science Network

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A preclinical study published recently in the journal Immunology showed that dietary fiber increased the survival rate of mice infected with influenza virus by setting the immune system at a healthy level of response. A high-fiber diet can passivate harmful, excessive immune responses in the lungs while activating T cells, thereby increasing antiviral immunity. These benefits are mediated by changes in the composition of the gut bacteria, which bioaccumulates the production of short-chain fatty acids.

"Dietary fiber and short-chain fatty acids have beneficial effects on a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases and have received widespread attention in recent years," said Benjamin Marsland, senior author of the paper, Monash University, Australia. "But we are concerned that these treatments may lead to immune responses." Generally weakened and may increase the susceptibility to infection."

Influenza A is one of the most common viral diseases in the world, with as many as 20% of people infected each year. In this new study, the Marsland team found that supplementation with fermentable fiber inulin or short-chain fatty acids protects mice from influenza infection.

Specifically, these treatments result in inhibition of the innate immune response, which is often associated with tissue damage and also promotes an increase in the immune response, which is responsible for eradicating the pathogen.

In addition, combined with previous studies, new results suggest that modern Western diets containing high-sugar, high-fat, and low-fiber foods may increase susceptibility to inflammatory diseases while reducing infection protection.

Marsland said: "People already know that a certain treatment will turn the immune system on or off. To our surprise, dietary fiber selectively shuts down part of the immune system and opens up another part that is completely unrelated to the immune system."

Next, the Marsland team will study how dietary changes affect the immune system, especially how changes in the gut affect lung disease. Currently, they are planning a dietary intervention study on participants to determine how best to translate their results into everyday life standards. (Tang Feng)

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