Sows’ productivity refers to the ability of each sow to provide weaned piglets each year. Actually, the average number of weaned pigs per piglet per sow year is used to measure the formula. The formula is: The number of weaned pigs per sow year = The total number of weaned piglets per year in the pig farm The average number of sows per year by the above formula can be seen from the above formula as an important indicator of the productivity of a sow farm and the ultimate indicator of the performance of the sow. The factors affecting sow productivity are the following: The number of litters per year, which is the average number of litters per sow per year, is an important measure of the reproductive performance of a sow herd on a farm. The formula is: The average number of litters per year = the number of litters in the sow = the total number of litters per pig per year, the number of sows in the same number of sows per year, and the number of litters per litter per year is high, indicating high production levels. , Otherwise it is the other way. There are three influencing factors: Emotional conception rate refers to the proportion of sows that can be affected by the fetus during the first estrus, which is normally 85%-90%. Lower fertility in the affection period will extend the idle period of the sow, not only reducing the number of litters per year, but also causing wastage of feed and labor and increasing the cost of raising pigs. This is the main factor affecting the number of litters per year. The rate of farrowing sows accounted for the proportion of sows that were born to the litter. The higher the farrowing rate, the higher the number of litters per year for sows. The main loss during this period was miscarriage. The sows were placed in the same house and were not randomly mixed. Strengthening the management of the sow's gestation period can effectively reduce the occurrence of abortion. The length of lactation during lactation also affects the number of litters per year of the sow, but it is not a major factor. Do not blindly pursue early weaning to achieve an increase in the number of litters per sow, and to ensure that piglets can grow normally after weaning, combining the actual production level of the field to determine when weaning, which is currently 28 days - 35 days weaning. The number of weak pigs and stillbirths is not meaningful. The number of healthy piglets required for production is determined by the following two aspects: The semen quality of the boars, the sow’s sorrow, and timely mating Time is the main factor that determines the number of litters. In practice, the cause of the problem must be identified and resolved according to the specific circumstances. Management during pregnancy Pregnancy management determines the health of newborn piglets. In the production, the pregnant sows should be grouped rationally, and different feeds should be fed according to the sow's expected date of production, and the feed intake of each sow should be guaranteed. Lactating capacity Nutrient feeding The quality and quantity of feedstuffs fed to the sow directly relate to the amount of lactation. The quality and quantity of feed should be adjusted with a single sow that can feed 10 uniform piglets to wean. Excessive feed intake during pregnancy affects feed intake of lactating sows, resulting in insufficient milk production. The intake of sows during pregnancy should be controlled by a robust piglet that produces a sufficient number of individuals. The environment is mainly to create a quiet and comfortable environment for nursing sows, keep warm in winter, pay attention to cooling in summer, and treat sick pigs in time. Retention and Elimination Selecting to stay in a farm requires constant selection and retention of gilts to supplement the deficiencies caused by phase-out so as to ensure full production. The number of retained elections should be 1.2 times the eliminated amount. Elimination For sows that have lost their breeding value, such as those with limb and foot disease, repeated infertility, and low milk production, should be eliminated in time to avoid causing greater losses. The timely selection and elimination of sows is the key measure to ensure full production of a farm and to enable sows to have higher production capacity. Sows that do not have breeding value are not allowed to exist for a long time in production. The current sow's annual turnover rate is 30%. Reproductive diseases At present, pig farms are plagued with epidemics in varying degrees, especially diseases that cause sow reproductive failure, resulting in reduced sow fertility rates, miscarriages, stillbirths, and weak births. To solve this problem, we must start with the purification of the disease and improve the environment to strengthen the feeding and management. Bactericidal decontamination is achieved through a general screening of the entire swine herd, elimination of positive pigs, long-term immunization and environmental control. This method is difficult and difficult to accept. It is difficult to achieve, but it is the fundamental solution. Improving the environment and strengthening management Objectively speaking, any pig farm has a disease of one kind or another in varying degrees. However, why are some pig farms healthy and economically viable, while others are not? The question is: Do you have a high level of understanding of the control of the epidemic? Is it based on the situation in this field to develop a set of effective epidemic prevention system and seriously implement it; whether the immunization is accurate and complete; whether it provides the pigs with a nutritious and reasonable feed; whether Create a comfortable environment for pigs and more.

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