Although constipation is not a serious illness, the damage is not small. Constipation not only causes toxic substances to stay in the body for a long time, and damages the liver and kidneys. It can also affect children's growth and development, leading to obesity, fatty liver and other diseases. The most serious is that long-term constipation will affect the child's intellectual development.

Therefore, parents must pay attention to constipation. What is good for baby constipation, the following suggestions parents may wish to try:

1. Prepare less meals and develop good habits for children to eat every meal

The child's stomach is small, rough, large or excessive food, it is easy to make the child's stomach block, causing indigestion. Therefore, when a child eats, the parents should prepare a small meal for the child, which is generally about one-third or one-fourth of the adult's amount. In this way, children will not have the feeling that they will never eat, and they will have a sense of accomplishment after eating.

2. Eat small meals and choose high-quality snacks carefully

Although your child's stomach capacity is small, you need to give him a supplemental diet every 4 hours. Therefore, children's diet should adhere to small meals. Parents can divide the daily nutrition of the child into three meals and two meals. For side meals, you can choose foods that are rich in nutrients such as white fungus, almonds, and honey.

These foods not only contain high-quality protein and lipids, but also serve as a source of vital energy for children. Parents can make white fungus boiled soft and chopped into sweet soup for children to eat; can also grind almonds and add oats, raisins, brewing water for children to drink; or honey poured on fruit or cake for children to eat.


3. Cleverly supplement the fiber

If the children usually hate to eat vegetables and fruits, they can eat more foods such as fungus, pleurotus, seaweed, seaweed, and dried fruit to increase their fiber intake and promote bowel movement.

4. Take more fruits

Chinese medicine believes that the reason for constipation in children is that their constitution is hot. Therefore, constipation children can usually eat more melons, such as watermelon, melon, melon, etc., to eliminate the body's hot.

My little baby If the child does not like the taste of this kind of fruit, you can sprinkle condensed milk, yogurt or ice cream on the fruit, so that sweet sweet milky taste over the melon flavor.

In addition, parents should also regularly eat green pea porridge for children, and they can also play a role in antipyretic laxatives.

5. Proper exercise

Usually, parents should encourage their children to participate in sports. Because exercise can increase bowel movements and promote bowel movements. Parents can also gently massage their abdomen clockwise around their navels before they go to sleep. This will not only promote the child's peristalsis but also help him sleep. In addition, tapping the following two points one hour after the child eats can also promote bowel movement.

Zusanli Point: This point is located 3 inches at the lower edge of the patella and 1 inch at the lateral side of the humerus. It can be pressed continuously for 1 to 2 minutes.

Zhigou Point: This point is located at 3 inches on the back of the wrist, between the ulna and the sacrum. It can be pressed continuously for 1 to 2 minutes.

My little baby, having good bowel habits My little baby is not one of the reasons why many children have constipation because they don’t have regular bowel movements. Children aged 3 to 7 years old have abdominal and pelvic muscles in their developmental stages. The function of defecation reflexes is not yet mature. They do not know that there is a need to go to the bathroom, and parents often need reminders.

Therefore, parents can use one hour after breakfast as a fixed defecation time for children. At the beginning, parents can accompany their children to defecate, about 10 minutes each time, and gradually help their children develop the habit of regular toileting. Give your child a cup of juice or a warm honey moistened intestines before using the toilet.

6. Pay attention to your child's oral hygiene

The oral hygiene of children is easily overlooked by many parents. Poor children's teeth will become picky eaters, loss of appetite, indigestion. This will naturally affect bowel movements. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to allowing children to brush their teeth properly after meals, parents should also take them to the dentist's office regularly (every three months) for an examination.

If your child is often constipated and does not improve after taking the above measures, or has symptoms such as severe abdominal pain and vomiting, or mentally lazy, reduced urine output and other obvious dehydration symptoms, be sure to send the child to the hospital as soon as possible in order to be able to treat the disease. , relieve the suffering of the child in time.

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