Avocado contains folic acid, eaten by pregnant women can prevent baby deformity, avocado also contains unsaturated fatty acid, can replace saturated fat in the diet, lower cholesterol levels. Avocado has many effects and functions, and it has a good health effect.

What is the taste of avocado

The closest taste to avocado is butter, and a bit of banana's tenacity, the taste is really very gentle.

People who eat for the first time will feel a bit strange, because there is no special taste, and the aftertaste is a bit like a nutty incense. Eat a few times can taste the special flavor of avocado, sweet and smooth, not greasy compared to banana cream fruit, oil content, summing up the nut + fruit taste, butter + banana taste.


The effect and function of avocado

reduce cholesterol

Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fat contained in avocado, which can replace saturated fat in the diet and lower cholesterol levels.

Beauty skin care

Avocado pulp has good affinity with human skin and is easily absorbed by the skin. It has strong absorption of ultraviolet rays, and is rich in vitamin E, carotene and so on. It has good skin care, sun protection and health care effects.

Prevent infant vascular malformation

Avocado is a good source of folic acid. This important vitamin may prevent fetuses from having congenital neural tube defects and reduce the risk of adult cancer and heart disease.

Protect the digestive system

Avocado has a high fiber content because soluble fiber removes excess cholesterol from the body, while insoluble fiber helps keep the digestive system functioning properly and prevents constipation.

Avocado (also known as avocado) has very good health benefits and daily health benefits. Eating avocados can often have the benefit of lowering blood fat and cholesterol. Avocados are not cool foods. Female friends can eat avocados during menstruation. .

How to buy avocado

If you eat immediately, choose dark green and white at the time of purchase. The surface is bright and smooth. If the surface is uneven, there is already some firewood inside, which affects the taste.

It is intended to be eaten after a few days. Green can be picked. The fruit shell is not too hard and the surface is shiny and smooth.

The black, soft avocado shell is not recommended for purchase. It may be due to a temperature that causes it to taste bad, or the shelf time is long.

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