Changzhou Yanjialong Drying Machinery Co., Ltd. has very few vacuum belt dryer manufacturers that actually design and manufacture and provide users with ideal products. Most of the manufacturing companies do not have complete design and manufacturing conditions. Vacuum belt dryers seem to be uncomplicated in terms of their basic structure and principle. Many pharmaceutical and food machinery manufacturers find it easy to get started, but the real involvement of this project is like blindly breaking into a labyrinth that is difficult to find a clear direction. I was deeply stuck in it and couldn’t come out. Occasionally, there was a customer who also dragged others down the water. The reason for this is mainly that the drying equipment has a wide range of technologies, many system configurations, high manufacturing processes and assembly requirements, and extensive practical experience for installation and commissioning.

Therefore, designing and manufacturing a qualified vacuum belt dryer is impossible only by one or two mechanical engineers or several skilled workers. In particular, many edge technologies cannot be used in the past static drying equipment. When designing and manufacturing equipment that is completely in a vacuum-dynamic dry state, it is doomed to be successful if it does not jump out of the original design.