What can pregnant women eat to ease morning sickness? Morning sickness is a process that must be experienced in the early stages of pregnancy. However, it is not without relief. Expectant mothers want to ease morning sickness in early pregnancy can start with the daily diet, as long as the election of food can relieve nutritional problems while supplementing nutrition. Come and see the introduction of Xiao Bian.

What is good for morning sickness

Drinks: Lemon juice, soda, hot milk, iced yogurt, pure juice, etc.

Cereals: bread, cereals, mung bean rice porridge, rice porridge, corn porridge, boiled corn, corn cakes, corn dishes and so on.

Milk: Drinking milk is good, nutritious, does not account for a lot of stomach space. If you do not like to drink milk, you can drink yogurt, cheese, milk tablets, butter, etc.

Protein: The main cooking methods are meat stew, steamed, boiled, decocted, and stir-fried meat. Try not to use braised methods such as braised, fried, fried, and sauce. Such as water omelettes, boiled dumplings, Shuizhuroupian, steamed fish, boiled fish, sweet and sour loin.

Vegetables and fruits: various fresh vegetables, can be cold, stir-fried, cold dishes, vinegar, stewed radish, cabbage roulades, etc. are very good pregnant women dishes; eat more fresh fruit or fruit salad, is an effective way to alleviate morning sickness .

Next, there are diet plans to ease morning sickness. Don't miss it.

Dietary plan for pregnant women to relieve morning sickness


Appetite is good when appetite is weak, and besides dietary taboo foods for pregnant women, they like to eat what they eat. Pregnant women in early pregnancy generally like to eat acidic foods such as oranges, dried plums or kimchi. Therefore, husbands and families should prepare more of these foods. Because of the slow growth of the fetus during the first trimester (first 3 months), it does not require much nutrition. Pregnant women can choose what they want to eat as much as they like, drink plenty of water, eat more foods rich in vitamins, can prevent constipation, because constipation will increase early pregnancy response. In addition, as much as possible to change the pregnant women dining environment, this can stimulate the appetite of pregnant women.

It is better for pregnant women to eat less food. Eat every 2 to 3 hours. Pregnancy nausea and vomiting are more heavy in the early morning fasting, in order to reduce the morning sickness response, you can eat more dry foods, such as sesame, biscuits, baked bread, bread and so on. If the pregnant woman suffers from severe vomiting, pay attention to eating alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits to prevent acidosis.

The diet of pregnant women is in principle light, greasy, and easily digestible, such as bread, biscuits, milk, loquat powder, gruel, honey and various fresh fruits. Avoid over-greasy foods.

Family members should encourage pregnant women to eat. If pregnant women vomit after eating, do not be nervous. You can take a deep breath or listen to music or take a walk outdoors before continuing to eat. After eating, it is best for pregnant women to rest in bed for half an hour, which will reduce vomiting symptoms. When the response is light at night, food intake should be increased, food should be diversified, and if necessary, appropriate meals can be added before going to bed to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women and fetuses. Dietary conditioning of morning sickness is very important because the first 3 months of pregnancy are the most important moments when fertilized eggs are most differentiated and fetal organs are formed.

What can I eat to ease morning sickness? Mothers who are troubled by morning sickness are better off trying the above method.


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