First of all, increase the palatability of the feed, reduce the high fat content of the feed, feeding when the early morning and late cool when feeding, lunch can not feed. The cubs are best fed night food. In the summer, you must feed green feed with low water content. Wash before each feed, and feed it in a little shade. Feed should be eaten nowadays.

Second, we must do a good job in preventing heatstroke and prevent moisture. A shelter must be set up for the open-air cage. The ventilation of the small room should be good. The water around the cage and the top cover of the cage should be sprinkled. In the afternoon, it will be sent out to the sports field to prevent heat stroke.

Secondly, the cages must be kept dry to prevent rain from dripping into the cages. Lime or dry sand can be placed under the cages.

Fresh Sweet Corn Kernels

Corn has a more complete nutritional profile, making it ideal as a preferred food for scientific fat loss.

Generally speaking, sweet corn favors vegetables and sticky corn favors staple foods.

This classification is for the sweet corn (vegetable).

There are generally two ways to lose fat scientifically: exercise and controlled diet. Both are indispensable and must be combined for effective fat loss. Especially for people who are not particularly obese, we should consider the combination of exercise and diet control. In terms of diet control, take care that the daily intake of food is based on high quality protein and vegetables.

1. The time and intensity of exercise should be gradual. Exercise more than 1 hour a day is good.

2. exercise to control their mouths, eat less sugary food. If you are more gluttonous, you can use fruit sweet corn to satisfy your cravings. Fruit sweet corn is sweeter to eat, but it is low in sugar and satiety, which can help you control your diet.

Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd.'s Sweet Corn Kernels are vacuum-packed, healthy ready-to-eat foods with a small spoon at the bottom of each package that can be opened and eaten at any time.

900z42Sweet Corn Kernels 60gSweet Corn Kernels 200gSweet Corn Kernels 280gSweet Corn Kernels 350g

If you would like to work together, please send us a message on our website or contact us by email.

Sweet Corn Pellet,Sweet Corn Kernel,Corn Kernel,Roasted Corn Kernels

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,