Recovering the umbilical cord: It is expected to "help" for patients with major diseases

February 22, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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In a year and a half, the newborn umbilical cord of 6126 families was “save” into the charity “Stem Cell Life Energy Bank” of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University. In the future, they will become new hopes for patients with many major diseases. On the 21st, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University announced that it will jointly establish a "Purple Ribbon" stem cell public welfare storage and clinical research with Shengshi Bio-engineering Co., Ltd., recover newborn umbilical cord tissue, and separate and prepare "umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells" and store them for a long time. Established "Stem Cell Life Energy Bank". In the future, the two sides will jointly carry out standardized and standardized stem cell clinical research, promote stem cell research and clinical transformation, and promote a number of original clinical diagnosis and treatment technologies while promoting the scientific and technological innovation of China's medical and health system.

Stem cell clinical research is the application of human stem cells derived from autologous or allogeneic sources, which are input (or implanted) into the human body for in vitro prevention or treatment. The basic and clinical transformation of stem cells is one of the most eye-catching areas in life science research and one of the important breakthroughs in medical research in the 21st century. Based on core technology breakthroughs represented by stem cells, emerging biotechnology is widely used in the global medical field.

As the first batch of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, the first batch of stem cell clinical research institutions in Hunan Province, in July 2017, it signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shengshi Biotech. As of January this year, human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (SCC) were used to treat the safety and efficacy of osteoarthritis, clinical studies of uterine traumatic healing, and clinical studies of decompensated hepatitis B cirrhosis. The three projects were approved by the state for record. It is reported that this is also the world's first clinical transformation application project for stem cell products with international standards. In the future, it is expected to provide a new treatment for patients with liver disease, osteoarthritis and uterine traumatic healing.

Zhang Weishe, director of obstetrics at Xiangya Hospital, said that umbilical cord tissue during childbirth is usually treated as medical waste. How to turn umbilical cord tissue into waste is an important part of stem cell research and clinical transformation research. Professor Guo Lei, the chief scientist of Shengxi Bio, said that the umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from the umbilical cord tissue of newborns. These "stem cell seeds" can produce stem cell products for different diseases, which are widely used in disease treatment and health. Reconstruction of the body, the body's anti-aging, organs and tissues.

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