The use of chemical pesticides to control flower pests and diseases not only pollutes the environment, but also is costly and sometimes difficult to purchase. If self-made soil pesticides are used to control pests and diseases, not only are the raw materials readily available, the preparation is convenient, the economy is time-saving, and there is no pollution or pollution, and the control effect is also good. Now introduce the preparation and use of some soil pesticides for reference. 1. Tobacco leaf water: Take 100 grams of tobacco leaves, add 3000 grams of fresh water, soak for 24 hours, and repeatedly knead several times in soaking, remove remaining slag, and filter; or filter after boiling for half an hour. The filtered water is added with 0.1%-0.2% neutral laundry detergent and sprayed with sufficient stirring. The nicotine contained therein can control aphids, red spiders, whiteflies, leaf curlers, stink bugs, thrips, and other leaf-eating pests. 2. Garlic water: The purple skin garlic crushed, squeezed juice, and then diluted with water 10 times, you can spray. It can control locusts, red spiders, scale insect nymphs, gray mold and root rot. Pour sap into pots and earth to control cockroaches and nematodes. 3. Pepper water: Take 100 grams of dry red pepper (such as Chaotian pepper and other spicy flavor is better), add water and boil for 10 minutes -15 minutes, spray the plants after filtration. Can control locusts, red spiders and whitefly and other pests. 4. Jiangshui: The fresh ginger is crushed and squeezed out of the juice, diluted 10 times -15 times the spray, can prevent coal pollution, rot and other germ spore germination. 5. Pepper water: Take 100 grams of pepper, add 500 grams of fresh water, cook for 20 minutes - 30 minutes, filter, add 3000 grams - 4000 grams of water diluted plant spray. Can control whitefly, aphids, scale insects nymphs, aphids, leafhoppers and so on. 6. Welsh onion: We smashed onion skin and onion leaves, soaked in water 5 times for 2 hours to 3 hours, filtered and sprayed to prevent aphids and soft insects, and to suppress the spread of powdery mildew. 7. Leek water: the leek was chopped and squeezed juice, and then diluted with water 50 times, sprayed once a day - 2 times a day, continuous spray for one week, can cure melasma. 8. Washing powder water: Use a neutral detergent 1g, add 150g of water, spray the plants, can kill aphids, spider mites, scale insects, whitefly and so on. Note: After killing the pests, clean the leaves 2 to 3 times to clear the holes. 9. Tea seed cake water: The tea seed cake is crushed and soaked in appropriate amount of boiling water for a day and night to leach out the saponin and alkaloids in the tea seed cake, filtered and diluted with water for 20 to 30 times to effectively control the locusts. , flying crickets, snails and other pests. 10. Castor water: 100 grams of castor bean seeds are crushed, add 1000 grams of fresh water and soak for 2 hours to 3 hours, filter, add a small amount of neutral detergent and 6000 grams to 8000 grams of water, and spray evenly to prevent and control aphids. Leafhoppers, beetles and other pests. The ramie leaf stalk is dried, ground into a powder and embedded in the pot soil, which can control earthworms, termites, ants, cockroaches and other underground pests. 11. Peach leaf water: take 1000 grams of peach leaves, add 5000 grams of water, boil for half an hour, filter after spraying, can prevent lice, aphids and soft pests. Peach leaves dried, ground into powder, buried in pots and soil, can control earthworms, termites, earthworms and other underground pests. 12. Lime water: Lime emulsion mixed with water mixed with lime, spray, can prevent anthracnose, stem blight, soft rot and other diseases. 13. Vinegar water: Spraying foliar with 5% vinegar aqueous solution can prevent powdery mildew and black spot. 14. Orange peel water: Take 5 orange peels, place it in a teacup, add proper amount of warm water, cover and soak for a day and night, filter and spray it to kill locusts, red spiders and so on.

 RP International Ltd is top Citric Acid Supplier and Manufacturer in China.

Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in citrus fruits. It is a natural preservative and is also used to add an acidic (sour) taste to foods and soft drinks. In biochemistry, it is important as an intermediate in the citric acid cycle and therefore occurs in the metabolism of almost all living things. It also serves as an environmentally benign cleaning agent and acts as an antioxidant. Citric acid exists in a variety of fruits and vegetables, but it is most concentrated in lemons and limes, where it can comprise as much as 8 percent of the dry weight of the fruit.

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