Mirror grass, also known as money grass, Tsui Ping grass, etc., for ramie, cold

Perennial is an evergreen herb. The leaves are shiny and stalky

The top is radiating and the old leaves are littered. The new leaves start to sprout immediately.

It is a small indoor foliage plant that is popular among people.

. The specific measures for cultivation and management are as follows:

1. Loose, fertile, humus-rich sandy loam

, available garden soil, rot leaf soil, river sand and other mixed preparation.

2. Always keep the basin moist, but avoid water, to prevent the blade from changing

Color, withering or even stem rot. Watering to see dry see wet, to keep empty

Humidity, can always spray to the foliage.

3. Hi bright diffuse light, avoid sun exposure, to prevent burns

Tablets, yellow leaves turned yellow. Late autumn to late spring, you can see more sunlight.

4. Hi warm, suitable for growth at 15°C to 20°C, minimum wintering

Temperature 10 °C. Growth stagnation occurs when leaves are above 30 °C in the summer.

Easy to fall off. In particular, the sudden drop in temperature will cause

Stems discolored and partially fall off.

5. Thin and thin liquid fertilizer is applied once every half of the growing season, but it should be noted that

Excessive nitrogen fertilizer can cause leaves to grow long, plant lodging, concentrated fertilizer and raw fertilizer will

Causes the plant to rot and even die.

6. Easily stained leaf spot, 50% carbendazim available 600 times wettable

Liquid spray, once every ten days, continuous spraying 3 times. There are blow cotton jackets and other damage

, can use 40% omethoate 1000 times sprayed leaves.

7. Blooming in the warm area is easy and useful, sowing with useful sowing method

of. Commonly used ramets or cuttings can be, but the ramets method is relatively simple

It is easy to use, and three shoots can be grown on the lateral branches of the stem base or stem nodes.

When the leaves are on, take the scallops and cut them. After the wounds are smeared with ash, use them for enrichment.

Humic soil planted in pots, slightly shaded, sprayed with clean water, 10 days left

Right can survive. It is also possible to insert sand beds with top branches during spring and summer.

In the moisturizing with plastic film, at a temperature of around 20 °C, 10 days left

The right can take root.

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