There are many types of lilies, and appropriate measures can be taken according to different species during the breeding period. Common methods include the following methods: Seeding method Seeds can be sown after harvesting, and can be sown again in the next spring. Seedlings should be shaded and water and fertilizer management must be strengthened. Small bulbs can be formed in the fall. The flowering time varies depending on the type of lilies, such as Lilium squamosa can bloom one year. The mother planting bulblets form bulblets on the underground stem sections, sometimes forming bulblets at the base of the parent bulbs, separating them from the parent bulbs in the fall, and planting or sanding them separately until the following spring. When planting should be deep, all after 20 days to germinate, 1 to 3 years of flowering. This method is only suitable for lily buds and sand violets with bulbous buds. In the summer and autumn season, mature bulblets are collected and then broadcast on demand. Small bulbs can be formed in the year, and springs can be sprouted in the spring of the following year. The plants can be planted again in the fall. After 3 years, most of them can bloom.

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