The lotus flower is named after its stems and leaves resemble an arrow. Its origin is in Mexico. It is a cactus family, and it is a lily flower for many years. Hi warm and moist and sunny environment, resistant to dry, not cold, summer fear of strong light exposure. Should be loose, fertile, well-drained acidic sandy soil, avoid water. From April to June every year, flowers bloom in crimson, pink, white, yellow and so on. The flower is bright and colorful, with beautiful flowers. When it is in flowering, it is placed in the shade. A flower can be opened for 4 days to 5 days.

I. Cultivation and conservation

Spring is the growing season for the arrow. Pay attention to sufficient light and timely fertilization. Nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers were applied once every 10 to 15 days to promote the robust growth of the flowers. Watering to see dry see wet, avoid pot water, to prevent rot. From April onwards, flower buds emerged on the edge of the upper half of the fleshy leaves, and they gradually expanded and bloomed within half a month. If the plant is undernourished and grows weak at this time, it will not bloom or bloom, and some will have withered and fallen off in advance. To prevent this from happening, one-time or two-time quick-acting phosphate fertilizers may be added in advance. At the same time, too many lateral buds and base buds should be wiped out, and thin and weak branches should be cut off to reduce nutrient consumption, so that nutrients can be concentrated to supply robust foliage and buds.

After the lotus in the early summer of May to June, the arrow was turned into a vigorous growth period. Nitrogen-based topdressing should be applied one or two times in a timely manner. This will not only promote its new branches and leaves, but also conducive to the spring bloom more buds. To increase the number of stem pieces, it is necessary to hold the buds for a favorable period of time so that the buds can grow to the required height once. If it is too late to germinate or grows poorly, it will not reach the required height of the stem slice at a time, so don't be sorry, simply don't cut it, and prevent the appearance of gourd-shaped stem slices, which will affect the appearance of the plant. At high temperatures in the middle of summer, the lotus is put into a semi-dormant period. It should be placed in a cool and cool place. Stop fertilizing, watering can not be excessive, and the pots and soils should be kept a little dry and prevent overshadowing, so as not to affect the flowering. Can also be placed in the window ventilation, 3 to 4 hours a day can be the sun, but to prevent the sun burning at noon, otherwise the leaves will be yellow.

In the fall, it continues to grow foliage, which is also the second time in a year. The new leaves gradually age and mature. Management and maintenance methods are basically the same as in the spring and early summer. Two to three top dressings can be applied, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and the duration of illumination is increased.

After the frost falls, the weather turns cold. In order to prevent freezing and frost, it needs to move into the room to keep warm. Seed China reminds you that it can be placed in a sunny indoor location and the room temperature can be maintained at 8°C. Stopping fertilization, controlling watering, and basin soil dry better, excessive humidity will cause leaf wilting lodging and rot. During the period from mid-March to early April in spring, the window-opening ventilation exercise time can be gradually extended as the temperature rises, and the foundation for outdoor maintenance can be removed later.

In addition, the lotus was changed from 1 year to 2 years. It can be done in spring and autumn. When changing soil, remove some of the soil and dried roots, add new culture soil (composed of humus, vegetable garden soil, sandy soil, and organic fertilizer) and put it on the hooves as base fertilizer.

Second, the breeding method

Multiplication with cuttings, which can be carried out during the spring, summer and autumn seasons. Choose a strong 2-year-old shoot, cut into 8 cm to 10 cm long, and let cool for 2 days to 3 days before inserting In shallow basins of sandy soil, the depth is one-third of the length of the cuttings. Watering should not be too much, basin soil can be wet, on the half shade, generally one month can take root and germinate. After careful maintenance, the buds will blossom and bloom within 2 to 3 years.

Third, pest control

Stalk rot, brown spot, and root nematode are common hazards. Seed China reminds you: Use 50% carbendazim WP 1000 times solution, root knot nematode 80% dibromochlorohydrin 1000 times diluted solution . The environment is poorly ventilated and susceptible to locusts, scale insects, and red spiders. Use 50% of the larvae to kill 1000 times of the pine oil.

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