The barley worm is an insect introduced from South Africa in recent years. The oldest mature larvae have a maximum body length of about 6 cm, which is 3 to 4 times larger than that of the common mealworm. The yield is 5 times that of the mealworm, and the nutritional value is far beyond the larvae. Pelicans and mealworms. Barley worms are mainly used as food protein additives. Their nutritive value far exceeds that of fly maggots, cockroaches, aphids, cockroaches, yellow mealworms and cockroaches. In addition, its skin is soft and easy to digest, and its palatability is good. The excellent food for ornamental fish, ornamental birds, spiny-breasted frogs, badgers, snakes and other rare animals. It can directly provide high-grade protein feed for animals, and can also provide stable and reliable protein resources for human food.

Barley worm breeding conditions:

1. Venue: Taking the introduction of 50 kg as an example, a workshop of 40 to 50 square meters is required. Can't leak water, the gap should be tightly sealed.

2. Temperature and Humidity: Barley worms can survive at 18°C ​​to 30°C. In the breeding process, different temperature and humidity conditions need to be provided to meet the different stages of growth and development of barley worms. Summer temperatures are high and fans can be used, but care should be taken not to blow the wind directly to the body. Sprinkle water on the ground to cool down, and be careful not to splash water into the culture box. In winter, the temperature is low, and coal stoves can be used in the factory. The sealing and heat insulation of doors and windows is better. Ventilate again when the temperature is high at noon. When the temperature and humidity are high, the breeding density should be properly reduced and the breeding box should not be oversized.

Unsuitable humidity will directly affect the aspects of pupa, feathering and hatching of barley worms. When the humidity is insufficient, you can use a sprayer to spray the air, sprinkle water on the ground, or place iron pots filled with water on the stove. When the humidity is too high, pay attention to ventilation.

3. Equipment: plastic breeding box or wooden breeding box, larvae box, adult box, hatching box, insect screen, temperature and humidity meter, etc.

4. Feed management: Feed should pay attention to preventing rats, insects, mildew, and rain. Feed moisture can not be too large. Green fodder should choose no pesticide residues. If it has been cleaned, dry it.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, etiology of inflammatory synovitis-based systemic disease. It is characterized by hand, small joints of the joints, symmetry, invasive joint inflammation, often associated with external organ involvement and serum rheumatoid factor positive, can lead to joint deformity and loss of function. According to statistics, the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis in women is 2 to 3 times that of men.It can occur at any age, high incidence of age 40 to 60 years old. People who has rheumatoid arthritis in the late, severe or long-term bedridden patients, due to combined infection, gastrointestinal bleeding, heart, lung or kidney disease can be crisis to life. The main purpose of treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis is to reduce the inflammation of the joints, inhibit the development of lesions and irreversible bone destruction, as far as possible to protect the function of joints and muscles, and ultimately achieve complete disease remission or low disease activity target. Treatment principles include 1. Patient education, 2. General treatment 3. Drug treatment 4. Immune purification 5. Functional exercise 6. Surgical treatment. Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis drug treatment mainly includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, slow-acting anti-rheumatic drugs, immunosuppressive agents, immune and biological agents and botanicals. Over the past decade, the treatment of extra-articular lesions and the emergence of new therapies, so that the efficacy of rheumatoid arthritis has been significantly improved. Most patients with rheumatoid arthritis can get a good control or even complete remission.

Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis

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