Formula feeds such as pellet feeds and powders gradually fill the market. Although some farmers' friends know that this formula feed is good for pigs, they do not understand or ignore scientific feeding methods and feed the two feeds in the same way. Adding water to the pelleted feed stirs it into a porridge, destroying its nutritive components and reducing its nutritional value. The correct method is to feed the pigs with pellets and then feed them. In this way, the feed can fully exert its nutritional effects. Some farmers who raise sows pay attention to epidemic prevention but neglect scientific methods. First, in order to save time, when the piglets are castrated, they then hit the epidemic prevention needles; the second is when the sow is pregnant to play the epidemic prevention needle. Animal husbandry experts said: On the one hand, it is easy to make wounds that are cut by piglets hard to heal, and the effect of epidemic prevention is also relatively affected. On the other hand, sows are particularly sensitive to external stimuli after pregnancy, and epidemic prevention is also a strong stimulus, and it is easy to cause stillbirths or abortions by playing anti-immunity needles. Therefore, it is best for sows not to fight epidemic prevention needles after they become pregnant. Piglets should be given epidemic prevention needles 10 to 15 days after castration. Some peasant friends saw that pigs did not eat, and the whole body became hot. They quickly injected large doses of Analgin. It is thought that as long as the body temperature is lowered, the pig disease will be good. Veterinary experts explained that pig disease is as pathological as human disease, and it is prone to inflammation after illness, leading to fever in pigs. The use of Analgin can quickly reduce the symptoms of fever, but the side effects of Analgin are very large and can easily cause anaphylactic shock in pigs. The rapid decline in body temperature causes respiratory and circulatory failure and sudden death. Therefore, professional veterinarians should be instructed to make a careful diagnosis to determine the condition, and then use antibiotics or sulfa drugs, and appropriate antipyretic drugs, which can both cure the symptoms and cure the symptoms.

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