Champagne mustard is a white or mustard herb. It is a one-year or two-year herbaceous plant of the family Cruciferae. It has whole plant branches and leaves with mustard, savory or peanut flavors, table dishes, and is known abroad as the "singer's grass." First, growth habits: Can be cultivated throughout the country, with well-drained sandy loam suitable. Second, planting and breeding: 1, the preparation of soil preparation: In the dry and wet soil moderately, when the surface soil is slightly white, deep plowing fine, till the planting and then plowing fine leveling, open drainage ditch. In the cold, the frost is thin and transplanting can be. Usually more open hole live, hole distance 18-21cm, seeds need to be 0.5-0.75 pounds per acre, with grass ash Zhuojia livestock dung and mix well, sprinkle in the hole. The soil is moist and germinates in six days. 2. For transplanting seedlings, it is necessary to do a seedbed well, and it is advisable to set a width of 1.4-1.5m. Third, cultivation and conservation: seedling height 3-4cm, timely seedlings fill seedlings. Must be cultivated and weeded 3 times, combined with topdressing. The first time in November, the second time between December and January, and the third time in the spring. Fertilizer uses human and animal manure, each 1000-2000 kg per acre. Pest control is mainly against sclerotinia and white rust. Fourth, use: table food. Can sweat, loose air in the abdominal pain, while benefiting the lungs, cough and cure stomach problems. Great potential in food and health care.

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