First, the reason analysis: From the species analysis, if the same species if not many areas are not filled with the phenomenon, you can rule out the quality of varieties. For Chinese cabbage that does not contain the problem on local and individual plots, the reasons should be found from the local regional microclimate anomaly and the management of cultivation techniques. The main influencing factors are high temperature, excessive rain, excessive humidity, improper fertilizer application, pests and diseases. Summer cabbage is a highly heat-resistant variety, but its bulbous period requires a certain temperature difference between day and night. The high temperature during the day has little effect on the cabbage shoots of Chinese cabbage. It is mainly the nighttime temperature, and generally suitable temperature is 10-20°C. When the night temperature is high, the leaf shape becomes longer and the ball is delayed. When the night temperature is low, the leaves become wider and the leaf shape index becomes smaller, which is beneficial to the ball. Chinese cabbage has more rain in the lotus position, and the relative humidity of the air will delay the ball. If the water is too much, the leaves will grow rather than fall. Excessive fertilization is one of the main factors that cause Chinese cabbage to be unencumbered. In general, Chinese cabbage is hi-fat, but excessive fertilization of Chinese cabbage can easily lead to high concentrations of soil damage, causing Chinese cabbage to be long, greedy and late, and not even worrying. If the same plot, the same weather conditions, the same fertilizer management, and different varieties, some ball, some non-ball. The reason for this is that the absorption capacity of fertilizers and water varies among different varieties. If you have a big fertilizer, you can get a ball, and if you don't like a big fertilizer, you have a leggy phenomenon. Second, prevention and remedial measures: 1, rational fertilization, mainly organic fertilizer. In Chinese cabbage cabbage, the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and organic fertilizers to control nitrogen fertilizer to inhibit its growth. Fertilizer should be considered in the high-efficiency critical period, top-dressing should be used as far as possible, and the best effect of top-dressing in the period of hair-blossoming and ball-bearing. When dressing fertilizer, we must pay attention to seeing the sky, seeing the land, and watching the seedlings. The key is to top-dress fertilizers according to climate, soil and plant growth and development. Look at the first day to see the light and temperature, the second is to see the rainfall, see the ground is to top-dressing according to the nature of the soil. Seeing the seedlings is based on the growth and appearance of the seedlings as an indicator of whether to top-dress fertilizers. 2. Reasonably arrange water supply according to climatic conditions. In normal years, the water supply should be even and adequate, and it should not be time-consuming. Dry seasons must ensure adequate water supply. During the flood season, special attention should be paid to drainage, and drainage channels should be repaired in advance to prevent flooding. Once there is a tendency to grow fertilizer too large, seedlings should be promptly carried out. 3, foliar dressing. Once it is found that Chinese cabbage does not cover long-term trend, it means excessive nitrogen fertilizer. It is necessary to spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and trace elements (note that trace elements may not be excessive) and Chinese cabbage preservatives every 5 times. - Spray once every 7 days, even spray 2-3 times, evenly spray wet leaves, suitable for drip, can promote Chinese cabbage as soon as possible. 4, pay attention to early prevention and control of pests, disease prevention is better than cure, insect control is better than pest control.

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