Valerian is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids required for the development of animal biology. Trace elements and unknown growth promoting are good quality nutritious leguminous grasses and are known as the "King of the pasture". A large number of planted valerian can promote the integration of agriculture and animal husbandry, improve the environment, protect soil and water, prevent secondary salinization of arable land, maintain water and soil, reduce pests and diseases of agricultural and pastoral crops.

In China, alfalfa application has been widely recognized by the dairy industry. It can increase the production and quality of dairy cows and extend the life of dairy cows. Pig raising the sow reproductive rate, enhance the disease resistance of pigs, improve raw pork quality, is considered to have a significant effect on the improvement of egg quality in laying hens.

Legume Herbs - Alfalfa is an annual or perennial legume herb, widely distributed in China, and has the largest cultivated area of ​​pasture. Hi warm, semi-arid climate. Average daily temperature of 12 --- 20 degrees, the most suitable for growth. High humidity, high temperature growth is unfavorable, drought resistance is strong, the main root is thick, the roots are well developed, and the soil is deeply buried. It can fully absorb the deep soil moisture and the soil is not strict.

1, ready before broadcast

1.1 Selection

Choose the land with flat terrain, convenient irrigation and no impurity on the surface. The soil ph7---7,5 is the most suitable.

1.2 Soil preparation

Loose soil, flat, no hard block, large block, no residue film and sundries unfavorable to sowing, namely: loose, flat, homogeneous, broken, net, and squat, six-character standard.

1.3 Fertilization

Combined with deep ploughing and applying base fertilizer, generally, Mushi farmyard fertilizer is 4000--5000 kg, DAP is 10 kg, or ordinary phosphate fertilizer is 50 kg.

2, sowing

2.1 sowing methods and methods

Seeding method: artificial sowing, mechanical sowing.

Sowing method: unicast and protect sowing.

Protection sowing

Other crops such as wheat and rape are sown together.

Unicast: Single seeding

2.2 Selection

The selection of disease-resistant, resistant, high-quality, high-yield, Chinese wolfberry seeds that meet Chinese standards is grade 1, 2 and 3. The clarity is 90%, 95%, and 85%. Germination rate, 90%, 85%, 80%.

2.3 sowing time, early spring sowing, early sowing deep rooted, drought, the second year back to early morning; late sowing shallow, unfavorable winter.

2.4 Sowing amount

Sowing rate, when alfalfa is sown, 1,2 kg seeds per acre, 0.75 kg per acre. It is advisable to sow with rhizobia after dressing, and should be lightly or lightly chopped once after sowing.

2.5 broadcast distance and depth

The row spacing is about 20cm, the harvest should be wide, the grass should be harvested, the sowing depth is about 2cm, the soil should be dry, and the soil should be shallow.

3, field management

3.1 broken board, crackdown

In case of soil compaction before unearthing and affecting seedling emergence, it is timely to crack the board

3.2 Depression. After the soil is thawed in early spring, the alfalfa is carried out before the alfalfa begins to sprout, which can protect the alfalfa, increase the temperature of the soil, promote the turn green, and eliminate the early germinating weeds. After each castration, due to the bare ground, soil moisture evaporates strongly. Deep squats on old age, cut roots and necks, promote its renewal.

3.3 Irrigation. The frequency of irrigation and the amount of irrigation water in each area are flexibly controlled according to the growth conditions, the temperature level, and the degree of drought.

4, harvest

4.1 Suitable harvesting. In general, it is the best period for the first flowering period, when the yield is high and the quality of the grass is also good. Harvest 2 to 3 times a year.

4.2 Remaining height. In the first year of use, the height of stay is 3 - 5 cm, and the height of adult stay is about 3 cm.

4.3 Seed production. It is better to collect seeds for the third and fourth years of growth, and the highest yield is for the first year of the year.

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